Chapter 47

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Amilia returned to the castle, was chastised by Dumbledore for leaving her duty, and sat through Severus and him arguing over what measures to take.

She sat there, numb, letting the words fill one ear and tumble out of the other. Something was thrown. Severus yelled; Dumbledore retorted in his quiet voice.

Eventually, they returned to their quarters. Severus flitted about, fretting and snarling. Again, Amilia sat quietly, absently rubbing her belly.

"Amilia? Amilia!"


Severus lowered himself to look into her eyes, "Are you listening? I said you are going to America. If Dumbledore cannot garuntee your safety then you cannot stay."

Amilia searched his face, dumbfounded, "I am not going."

Severus tugged at his hair and growled, "Yes you are!" His features twisted nastily.

"I am not your mother." Amilia said flatly.

This caused him to pause, "What?"

"I am not your mother," she repeated, "I assume this is how he spoke to her, but I am not her. You are not your father, so do not act like it."

Severus stared at her. Amilia stood up and put her cloak away, and removed her shoes.

"I need you to be safe."

"I know."

"Then go with Eric."

"I am not leaving."

Severus groaned, clearly tired of her stubbornness.

"I have said what I said, I am not leaving and that is final." Amilia walked to her bedroom door, "And you are not welcome at this moment. Go to your room."

"What?" Severus was confused and a little hurt.

"You attacked Eric and I." She held up her hand when he opened his mouth to protest, "I understand why but that does not mean I am happy about it. In fact I am furious. I was ready to kill you and leave your corpse there for the creatures of the forest."

"I am sorry."

"I know. Go to bed." Amilia closed the door, changed her clothes, and crawled into the empty bed. In the morning, she would speak to Dumbledore about what was said and her punishment. She reserved herself for dealing with it gracefully, hoping it would not cause any more problems. I was so stupid to do that.

In the eyes of the public, Severus and Amilia looked as they usually did, making snide remarks to each other about their jobs or habits. In private, Amilia refused to be around him. She was still furious.

Poppy had come to check on her and the baby again, "You are progressing nicely. Have you had any discomfort or pain?"

Amilia shook her head, "Just still a little nausus once in a while."

"That should be ending soon, but let me know if it continues."

Amilia nodded and laid her head on the pillow.

"Where is Severus?"


"He could not make an exception?"

"Do you think Umbridge would put the pieces together."

Poppy scowled, "Right. I despise that woman."

"So do I."

"What are you two going to do for Valentine's Day?"

Amilia sat up, "What?"

"Well, that is next week."

"I had not put much thought to it." Amilia scowled; she had been angry with him for this long. Would he even want to celebrate the day with her? Or would she even want to, for that matter?

"I see. Well, you have a good day, I have to get back to the hospital wing."

"Yes, have a good day." Amilia sat on her bed for a little while, staring off into space before putting her shoes on.

The weather was getting warmer and wetter, much to Amilia's normal joy; she was still gloomy. Should I have been that mad at him for so long? She considered that he had dueled her and Eric because he was being watched. However, that did not stop the argument that followed. Amilia had stated that he would have preferred he let her know somehow; that way, she was prepared and would not try to kill him. Severus thought otherwise that the duel would not have been genuine.

She scowled as she walked around a group of students blocking the path to Hogsmead; you could have waited to tell me about Ritchie until we were in the castle. That was another argument; no one faulted her for leaving the way she did. Amilia was shocked and in fear for her life. However, after learning of the incident in the Muggle World, Umbridge chastised her. Amilia did her best to ignore her.

Hogsmead came into full view; students rushed about, pink and red donned window shops, and adults watched as couples passed. Where is Severus? Amilia wandered around the village, looking at nothing and everything at the same time. Finally, she stopped in the Three Broomsticks; she saw Eric sitting in a corner with Severus. Are they becoming friends? The idea thrilled her, but she knew that would never happen. She walked over cautiously.

Eric saw her first. He tried to hide the smile, but the movement in his beard gave it away. Severus turned around, confused, delighted, and then sad. "Hello." Amilia said softly.

"Good afternoon, what brings you here?" Severus asked, his eyes surveying the room.

Amilia looked at her feet, "I do not know honestly."

"Sit down," Eric pointed at the seat next to him.

"What is this?"

All three of them jumped, and Amilia immediately felt enraged, "What do you want Delores?"

"I saw you walking around Hogsmead, I thought you were banned from chaperoning for some time."

"I am." Amilia scowled, "However, that does not mean that I cannot go off castle grounds."

Umbridge leered at her, "Is that so? Not if I have anything to say about it."

"What does that mean?" Eric asked.

"Who are you?" Umbridge snapped.

Amilia growled softly, "What does that mean Delores?"

Umbridge turned her toad-like face to Amilia, "You abandoned your post, and you might have a dangerous wizard after you; why should you be here? You could be putting the students in danger."

Severus rolled his eyes, "So you actually care about the students? That is a laugh."

"I care about what the Minister cares about!" Delores said, her voice rising an octave.

"That does not say much." Amilia mumbled.

Delores faced Amilia again, "And when were you going to announce that you are with child?"

"Excuse me?"

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