Chapter 45

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Amilia stared at Severus. You have been given to him.

Eric moved, catching her attention, "You are just going to let him do that?"

"No." Severus turned around, his wand at Eric's throat as he gripped the man's collar. "This is why she needs to leave, now."

Amilia blinked furiously, fighting back the fear forcing its way up to her eyes. How in the hell can anyone be given to another person without consent? She brought her hands up to her head, pushing back the hair from her face and trying to collect her thoughts. I cannot be used in that manner! Her heart beat profusely; I am not an object to be given away! Her palms began to sweat despite the cold around her; I would." rather die!

Amilia's eyes darted between both men, who had finally ended their spat and turned to face her. Her mouth began to dry, and she felt sick to her stomach. "I can't."

"What?" They asked her.

Amilia shook her head, closed her eyes, and disapparated.

Severus and Eric looked at each other as soon as she disappeared from sight. "What the hell?"

Severus rubbed his face, "I did not expect that kind of reaction from her."

"What?" Eric stomped over in front of him, "How the fuck did you not expect that? You are married to her, aren't you!? Shouldn't you know everything about a person and how they react to situations!?"

Severus glared at Eric, "You clearly have a tainted view on marriage if that is what you think." Severus removed his Death Eater robes, minimized them, and shoved them in his pockets.

"Any idea of where she went?"

Severus shook his head, "I have a few ideas but it will be difficult to narrow it down."


Severus looked at Eric harshly, "She does not want to be found."

Amilia stood in the courtyard of the Leaky Cauldron. The wind whipped around her as the gateway to Diagon Alley opened, and wizards walked briskly past her. What am I going to do? Can I run until Severus or an Auror catches him?

She pulled her cloak tighter and walked into the pub. No one paid her any attention, which was fine with her. She stood in the corner and watched small families eating at the tables with their shopping bags next to them. Amilia rubbed her belly for a second and then began to panic. What if he finds me before and before the baby is born? She shook her head furiously; I cannot think like that.

Amilia turned around and walked out onto the cobblestone street of Diagon Alley. Familiar sights and sounds engulfed her, and for a sweet moment, she forgot why she was there. She sighed heavily; I have to keep moving, and I need to figure out what to do.

Amilia wandered into Flourish and Blotts; she stopped in that small room off the side with the large street-facing window. Here was where she met Severus for the first time; she remembered how he kept staring at her and the butterflies it gave her. I was so confident then. Why can I not be confident in myself now? Amilia sat in the same seat from all those years ago and stared out the window contemplating her options.

After a little while, she felt like someone was watching her. She rubbed her eyes and looked out the window, trying to see if someone was staring at her, but there were only passersby. Amilia huffed and reclined in the chair momentarily before hearing books move on the shelves. Amilia tried to look without moving her head but could not see anything, so she stretched. She needed to get moving anyway.

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