Chapter 116

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Amilia waited in Severus's office as the note said; she put on the red gown and put her hair up. He was nowhere to be seen, and she was getting slightly irritated. "You have five more minutes to show up before I leave." She muttered.

"I sure hope you would allow me more time than that to at least get dressed." Severus walked down the staircase behind the desk.

His desk. It is his desk now. She reminded herself. Amilia nodded and sat in one of the chairs in front of the desk.

"You would be more comfortable up there." Severus pointed at the top of the stairs.

"In your office quarters? Ha." Amilia tried to joke, but it came out too harsh.

Severus pressed his lips thin, "I'll be a few minutes."

"Where were you?" Amilia turned in the chair, watching him walk away.

"A few minutes. Please."

Amilia sighed but let it go. It was quiet in the room; she could not recall when it had been this quiet; Dumbledore always had some gadget or another making noise, Fawks too. I wonder what happened to Fawks. He had sung a sad song and then flew away. No one had seen the creature since.

After a bit, she got up and wandered around the main office area she had already seen; she often came in and cleaned his desk when he asked. She hated doing that but did not tell him, though she was sure he knew. She also knew he only asked her to do it because he wanted to see her. Amilia paused at the base of the stairs; she had never gone up there. Several times, Severus had asked her to come up, but she never did. It felt strange to her. She glanced over her shoulder, Severus still had not returned, but her curiosity was getting the best of her. So up the steps she went. The handrail was smooth, worn down in places by centuries of Headmasters using it as a crutch.

When Amilia reached the top of the steps, she paused, spying a large bed with an iron frame, two dark wooden dressers, and a chest. A large portrait sat empty; possibly whoever was in it had decided to leave for a little while, and in front of that, sitting on a table, were two small photo frames. 

Amilia tiptoed closer and picked up the first one; she stared into her chestnut eyes. The portrait smiled at her and gave a playful wink after eyeing her outfit. Amilia chuckled as she set it down. The next one was a baby, sleeping peacefully on a blue background of pillows. Her little thumb was in her mouth, and occasionally, Amilia could see her small cheeks move as she sucked on her thumb.

Amilia's heart clenched, and she stroked the little arm in the picture.

"I would not wake her if I were you, she screams just the same."

Amilia jumped and gripped the frame, "Sorry."

Severus gently took the portrait from her hands, setting it next to hers. He stood there next to her, staring at the baby.

Amilia fought the sniffle that threatened to escape, so she turned her head.

"I do not want tonight filled with anger and regret." Severus said softly.

Amilia felt him shift his weight as he reached for her hair; he always liked to squeeze the buns slightly. "I do not have a portrait like that of her."

"I thought you did."

Amilia turned her head to him; he was scowling, "No, I do not."

"I got this one because I thought that you did. I am sorry."

Amilia glanced at it before taking a deep breath, "Right well, what am I wearing this for?"

Severus smiled at her, "I got us tickets to see the Royal Ballet."

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