Chapter 76

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Amilia felt like her heart had stopped, "What?"

"I'm not stupid, he may think I am but I am not."

Amilia glanced at Eric, finally noticing the cuts on his legs and how twisted around they looked. "What did you do to him?"

"I did what was necessary to get answers and to get you here!" Ritchie yelled, "Do you think I could get to you at the castle? That Snape would let you out of his sight!"

Amilia stood there silently, fear creeping up her legs.

"Are you going to tell me the truth? That Severus Snape really did worm his way between your legs and put a baby in you!?"

"Don't tell him! He'll kill him and her!" Eric whimpered.

"I said shut it!" Ritchie stood before Eric, his hands around his throat. "You had better tell me love or this one's eyes are going to pop out of his head!"

Before she knew it, Amilia's feet were moving; she reached out for Ritchie, her fingers dragging against his skin. His eyes went from crazed to lustful, "Let him go, please."

"Are you going to answer me?"

"I just needed a moment," Amilia forced her mouth to work, "the last time I saw you I was rather afraid."

Ritchie scoffed, "Well?"

Amila sighed, "Lesson your grip, and I will answer." She could see the thought cross his eyes; he glanced at Eric, her gaze followed, and she saw Eric turning blue. Ritchie turned his head to her, and she looked in his eyes as he let go of her friend's neck. Amilia sighed, "It is true."

Ritchie grabbed her hand and stalked off to the other side of the room, "I knew it! He brainwashed you back then! And now you are tainted!"

"Tainted?" Amilia snarled.

"You know that the Dark Lord has people everywhere, they saw the baby and the parents. A little girl," Ritchie scoffed, "at least it's not a boy to carry on the name of Snape." He tapped his chin with his wand, "She is young enough though, she will never have to know who he is."

Amilia moved to stand behind Eric, her hands resting on his shoulders, her fingers gently resting on his neck. The coloring that had started to show slowly disappeared. The raspy breath Eric was drawing slowly silenced.

"Of course, I can't kill him. No, the Dark Lord has his favorites!" Ritchie began to pace.

"What is it that you want?"

He stopped, stared at her, and laughed, "You, silly."

"That sounds awful similar to Bellatrix." Amilia said quickly.

"My mentor? We were celled near each other, had you visited me, like I had written, you would have known that."

"I never received your letters." Amilia stepped in front of Eric.

"What are you doing?" Eric whispered.

She glanced over her shoulder, "Shh." She turned her attention back to the man in front of her.

"Of course you didn't. Dumbledore probably had them burned the moment they came to the castle."

"Or they never made it past the Ministry." Eric laughed.

Amilia spun around, grabbed his chin, and whispered harshly, "Shut up, or he will kill you."

"He's going to anyway; he told me already," Eric whispered.

Amilia pressed her lips thin and touched his cheek, healing the bleeding cut. "Ritchie, you should let him go. He's really hurt."

"No, I don't think so."

Forever and Always Yours, SS [Book 3]Where stories live. Discover now