Chapter 15

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Severus wandered around the shops, keeping an eye on the Weasley twins as they discussed their products. I had better not find any of those in my classroom or the common room. For the most part, he ignored the students as they ran about and scolded the third-year Slytherins who were beginning to make a fool of themselves. He shook his head as he wandered, wondering when Amilia would be returning from the shack.

On the other side of the village, he saw Potter and his friends wander into The Hog's Head. "What are you doing over there?" Severus was ready to investigate when he remembered that someone would already be following the boy. I have not had good luck with that pub anyway. Severus grabbed a chair outside of the Three Broomsticks and pulled a book out of the pocket of his robes to wait for Amilia to return.

Amilia finally made it back to the shops; she pulled her package out of her bag and walked over to the post office. As usual, it was empty; most students did not send large packages anywhere, so she was able to get through the transaction quickly. Then she retrieved her shopping list and went about completing that task.

Severus turned a page and looked up briefly, catching sight of Amilia as she exited the magical equipment store. He closed the book with a loud snap as he got up and strolled in the direction she was coming from. "How is your trip to Hogsmead?" He asked when she paused to check her list.

"A little eventful, but nothing I could not handle."

"That is good. Are you nearly finished?"

Amilia nodded her head, "I will be in my classroom when I am finished."

"Good to know, in case I need your assistance with anything."

Again, she nodded and walked away. Severus gazed at her; her hips swayed, mesmerizing him. One day, after all of this, is over, we will have a family.

Later, Amilia was working in her classroom when Severus waltzed in with a cheerful look on his face. "What has you in a good mood?"

"I was able to hand out some detentions." Severus said smugly.

Amilia groaned, "What for?"

"The purchasing of Dungbombs and the intended use of pranking professors."

"Oh," Amilia stood up straight, "I suppose that justifies it."

Severus grinned.

Amilia chuckled and bent back over, fixing a broken instrument, or at least attempting to.

Severus tilted his head and stared at her ass, "What are you doing?"

"Trying to fix this. Poor Longbottom knocked it over on accident. I bought a new one but if I can fix this," She paused, concentrating for a moment, "then I can have two of them."

"Longbottom always seems to be breaking things." Severus said dryly.

"It is not his fault. I moved it and he turned right into it."

Severus checked to see if anyone was in the hall before creeping up behind her. He stood directly behind her while she was bent over, his left hand caressing her thigh, fire dancing across his fingertips. "You could always take a break from fixing it."

"Severus," Amilia shimmied, "just wait a moment, please?"

Severus chuckled and leaned back to look out into the corridor again before bending over her and kissing the exposed part of her neck. "I can wait, but this is awefully tempting."

Amilia shuddered and set down the tools, firmly placing both hands against the table. "Not in my classroom."

"You seemed to toy with the idea over the summer."

Amilia slid out from the table, "That was when there weren't any students around, and it is not like we can show the world that we are together."

Severus scowled, "I know." He grabbed her hand, "Then let's go somewhere we won't be found."

Amilia bit her lip and grinned as she let Severus guide her through her office and down the corridor.

Once in her quarters, Severus spun her around and placed a hang on her waist. He smiled at her and felt immense joy as she looked at him through her eyelashes. Amilia smiled back at him, and her cheeks reddened as he pulled her closer. "What brought this on?" she asked.

"Does anything have to bring it on?"

Amilia laughed, "I suppose not." She got on tiptoes and kissed him gently. "Are we going to get interruppted again?"

"I hope not." Severus slid both hands over her hips and grabbed her ass. "Where were we?"

"I believe i was bent over trying to fix a broken item."

Severus grinned, "We can resume part of that." He kissed her and turned her around, bending her over the sofa's edge.

"Do not rip the skirt. It is new."

Severus unbuckled his belt and stepped out of his pants before he lifted the hem of her skirt, tossing it onto her back before gently yanking her underwear down. He slid his hand back up the inside of her leg and dragged his fingers across her pussy, a soft chuckle escaping his lips.

"How about you come over here for a moment." Amilia said. He could hear the mischievousness in her voice.

Severus tilted his head curiously and went to the front of the couch. Amilia gazed up at him, one hand reaching out for him, "What is it?" he asked.

"Just come here."

Severus climbed onto the couch. Amilia beamed as she held herself up with one hand and grabbed his dick with her other hand, holding it still as she licked the tip before engulfing it in her mouth. Severus groaned as the tip hit the back of her throat.

Amilia closed her eyes as she continued to suck his dick. Severus grabbed her hair, and she dropped her hand, allowing him to control how deep and fast she moved her head.

Severus watched as Amilia began to squirm, her arousal rising. He grinned wildly as he started to pump faster in her mouth before pulling out. Her tongue stuck out, and a stream of saliva connected them. He stroked her hair for a moment before climbing over the top of the couch, and taking his place behind her.

Amilia whimpered as Severus rubbed her slit with the tip of his dick, teasing her before he pushed inside her. A sigh of relief escaped her lips briefly, quickly replaced by cries of pleasure. She gripped the top of the sofa to keep from falling over it as Severus continued to thrust. She could feel his hand slide up her back, grabbing a fistful of her shirt.

Amilia tossed her head back as she felt that tightening in her belly. Severus gently grabbed the front of her throat as he bent over her, deepening his thrusts as he panted in her ear, "Who do you belong to?"

Amilia shuddered; the gravel in his voice was darkened by the heat of the moment. "You."

She could feel him smile against her ear, "Forever?"


He let go of her neck and gripped her hips, thrusting as deeply as possible. Amilia moaned loudly as she tried to keep herself steady as she orgasmed.

Severus cummed quickly and watched gleefully as Amilia used the couch to sit on the floor. "I will get you a towel."

"Please do." She gasped.

After they cleaned up and dressed, the two checked on the students in the common room. Most of them were studying; others played games waiting for dinner.

The seventh-years looked up, their scrutinizing eyes noting the slight distance between Amilia and Severus. Amilia glared at them before gliding over to the piano and playing. Severus crossed his arm over his chest, staring at them until they returned to their books.

Later, at dinner, Umbridge was eyeing Amilia as if she had committed some crime. Amilia refused to look in her direction and kept tapping Severus to stop glaring at her.

"I wish she would just leave everyone alone." Severus said quietly.

"I agree but what more trouble can she cause?" Amilia sighed as she opened her book. "Tomorrow is a new day."

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