Chapter 44

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Amilia and Eric sat in a secluded corner, eating stew slowly and people-watching. "Are you staying here?"


"Yes, as in not returning back to America." Amilia said as she blew the steam off of her spoon.

"Yes, I am staying."


"Why not? I can still do my sabbatical here, and I get to experience another culture and way of life. We do not have any in America that mingle to No-Maj blood so this is interesting."

Amilia rolled her eyes, "Uh huh. I belive you."

Eric rolled his eyes at her, "I'll be here until you decide to come back with me."

Amilia set her spoon down, shoved the bowl away, and grabbed her belongings. "I will tell you as I told Severus, I am not leaving."

"You could work at Illvermorny again, they would love to have you."

"Eric, stop."

"You have nothing here to fight for!" Eric said quickly, "Your life is far more precious than that of a few No-Maj and some wizards. You own husband would rather be away from you until it is all over than see your life on the line."

"My husband needs me."

Eric scoffed, "For what? To be in his bed ready for him to fuck after he has killed some people?"

"What is with you!?" Amilia snapped; she was disgusted. "There is a war going on!"

"A war?" Eric shook his head, "I have not heard a single peep about what is going on from anyone in the town, not even from the students. Do you really think you are safe with these people?"

Amilia stared at him, appalled, "These people."

"I think these people would sell you out the moment they could, him too." Eric interrupted her, "If their business, families, or lives were on the line, I really think they would. You would be safer in America with me." He leaned forward, his fingers grazing against her belly, "The both of you would be."

Amilia inched back from him; she was trapped in the booth, unable to get up without making a scene. "I am not going anywhere. This is my home."

"You can make a new home anywhere!" Eric hissed, "Look, I am not going to force you but you really should come with me. If not for yourself then for your child."

Amilia glared at him; she fished some coins from her pocket and slammed them onto the table before rushing out of the pub.

Severus had returned to Hogsmead in enough time to see Amilia running from the Three Broomsticks and Eric following closely behind. He knew that Eric had tried to convince her and probably failed. He followed them quietly.

He checked to make sure students were not around before he slipped into the forest, keeping an eye on the two. He threw on his mask and pulled the hood of his robes on. A few feet later, he grabbed Amilia by the arm, twisting it behind her back, and jerked her into the woods; his wand pointed at her throat. Eric stood there for a moment, frozen, before running after them, fumbling for his wand.

Amilia struggled against Severus, her left hand frantically searching through her robes for her wand. "Fuck it!" She threw her head back and hit his chin. Severus paused for a second from the pain that rattled his teeth, loosening his grip on her.

Amilia tumbled forward a little bit; immediately, fear gripped Severus's heart, worrying that he had hurt her. Eric was then at her side helping her up, and she shoved him away, pointing her wand at Severus. The anger in her eyes was startling.

"You are being summoned." Severus said, his voice distorted behind his mask.

Amilia snarled, "Tell your master that I would rather die."

Severus sighed, "I am sure he would arrange that, or worse."

Amilia jabbed her wand forward, an arrow shooting straight at him. Severus threw himself out of the way. Eric found his wand and yelled, "Locomotor Wibbly!"

Severus's legs began to wobble, and he struggled to stand.

Amilia waved her wand over her head before pointing it at him, flipping Severus through the air.

"Good one!" Eric cheered.

"Shut up." Amilia stepped forward, shooting a barrage of arrows from the tip of her wand. Severus protected himself from them.

Eric sent a few jinxes at Severus who easily blocked them and kept them on their toes, falling further into the forest.

"Come on!" Eric urged, "He keeps retreating."

Amilia grabbed his arm, jerking him back, "No! He is going into Forbiddon Forest."


"There are creatures here that will tear you apart in an instant. Do not go past that tree." She slashed her wand through the air, carving a mark into the trunk of a thick tree, "You may not make it out if you go past that."

"We need to catch him! He will be proof that what's his face is back."

Amilia rolled her eyes and protected herself from a spell, "It will not matter!"

"Confundus!" Eric roared as he set himself in front of her. Amilia stared as she watched the Death Eater easily counter the spell and all the jinxes that the American was using.

"Evarte Statum!" Amilia yelled, her wand pointing just past Eric's elbow. Severus flew several feet into the air before landing with a hard thud. He gasped for air.

"What are you doing!?"

"Whatever I can." Amilia growled.

"Don't kill him, maybe if we take him to the Ministry it'll show that He is back."

Severus got back to his feet, pointed his wand at Eric, and watched, a little too gleefully, as he was lifted off the ground and flew toward himself.

He could see the fear flash across Amilia's face and the options that played in her head. Finally, she rushed forward and thrust out her wand. A hole opened up beneath Severus, breaking his concentration.

Amilia watched as the Death Eater struggled to climb out of the hole. Eric grabbed a hand and pulled.

"Do not touch him!"

"He is useful."

Amilia growled, "A useful Death Eater is a dead one!"

Eric ignored her and pulled the man up; instantly, a wand was at his throat. "She has a point." With a wand wave, the mask disappeared, revealing Severus's face.

Anger boiled within her; this was the second time he had attacked her with that mask. "What the bloody hell is wrong with you!?"

Severus released Eric and walked over to her, his hands raised defensively.

Amilia pointed her wand at him, "No."

"The Dark Lord wants you back within the ranks."

Amilia shook her head, "No."

"I am not lying."

"Then why attack her?" Eric huffed.

Severus turned a cold glare at him, "If you were paying attention I was not aiming at her nor using anything harmful."

"I furious with you." Amilia said rather calmly, which scared Severus. He put his wand away.

"I know...but know that I was trying to prove a point, any of them could have come after you." He gently placed his hands on her shoulders, and she stepped away. "He has tasked me with bringing you back."


"He has also given you to Ritchie, so long as he completes his initiation."

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