Chapter 75

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Amilia held the little note in her hand; Eric had received something at his cottage meant for her. She unfolded it again: It is rather big and said it's fragile. I don't feel comfortable enough to bring it to you. She paced while waiting for Poppy to arrive.

Amilia scowled at his handwriting, wondering why someone would send something to his cottage. She ran through the mental list of everyone who had sent them something for themselves or the baby, but nothing came to mind about who or what it could be. What could it be?

She looked over at her daughter, who was sleeping peacefully in her crib; it was a tiring adventure that she was not one. One that she did not expect to be this way. Was she happy? Of course! Nothing made her feel more joy than seeing a little yawn or Severus hold her, but Amilia was still sore and very drained. She rubbed her face, I could not be angry with him for sleeping, but I wanted to sleep through the night again.

Severus was gone for the day, he had matters to attend to for the Dark Lord, and Pettigrew was snooping around his house more now than ever. It irritated her that he was away, but he needed it too. They both needed a little space from each other and some time to relax their minds after learning on the fly with a newborn.

"Are you in the bedroom?"

"Yes." Amilia answered. Poppy walked in, a book in hand, "What is that?" Amilia asked.

"I thought, that while you went on your little adventure today, that I would get Miss Jordan started on medicinal herbs and their uses."

Amilia chuckled and shook her head, "Have fun. She has been fed and changed. She should sleep for you until I get back."

"Oh that is alright," Poppy glanced into the crib, "I am sure we will manage just fine if she does wake up."

Amilia shook her head again and exited her quarters.

The walk to Hogsmead was uneventful; a couple of the locals stopped to tell her congratulations and inquire about the baby's whereabouts. Amilia would smile and say she needed a walk and the baby was sleeping. She turned down the forest path to the small cottages and inhaled deeply. The summer heat was thicker with the tree canopy above her, but the sounds of the creatures were comforting.

She walked slowly; she was still sore from delivery, but being out of the castle and away from the grounds was a refreshing change of pace. "Maybe, soon, daddy and I can take you for a walk around here."

Around the corner, Amilia could smell smoke from a fireplace as she approached the cottage Eric was renting. It was roughly the same size as the one she had rented previously, but it did not have a garden or a patio for entertaining. Which, for him, worked out best since he liked the atmosphere of the Three Broomsticks the best. She pushed open the gate and called out, letting him know she was near, but she did not see any movement inside the building.

Amilia approached the door and knocked, "Come in!" She turned the doorknob and was accosted by the smell of burnt food that she could see on the stove; thankfully, there was no flame. Ew. "Sorry about the mess; I'm in here."

Amilia scowled and walked around the corner into the living room, "Are you feeling well? You never burn food," she said as she spotted Eric. He was sitting on a kitchen chair in the center of the room, looking rather uncomfortable and a little out of it. "Eric?"

Eric shook his head once his eyes focused on her, "No, no. Go!"

"What? You sent me a note saying that there was something here for me." Amilia eyed him, finally taking in the sight of the room; things were knocked over, papers were strewn across the floor, and Eric was holding his head at a strange angle.

"Go, now!" Eric's head was jerked back painfully.

"I don't think so."

A shiver ran up Amilia's spine immediately.

"Finite." The magic hiding the person behind Eric dissolved. "Hi there Amilia, I haven't seen you since the snow was on the ground." Ritchie flashed a grin at her.

Amilia reached for her wand.

Ritchie jerked Eric's head back further, "No, if you touch it, we will both be painted a brilliant shade of red."

"Why are you here?"

"For you! Why else?" Ritchie eyed her as he licked his lips. "I heard through a small rumor that you had a baby."

Amilia bit her tongue as she planned her escape. Should she apparate out? No, that would leave Eric defenseless and probably dead by the time the Aurors arrived. She could try to fight Ritchie if it came to it like she had last time, but this time, it would be a true testament to her strength.

"Are you so stunned that you are speechless?"

Ritchie drew her from her thoughts; he stood there, his wand at Eric's neck. "I suppose that is correct."

"What is? Stunned or the baby?"

"Don't tell him anything!" Eric gasped.

"Shut up!" Ritchie let go of his hair and crashed his fist down on Eric's head.

"Leave him alone!" Amilia lurched forward.

"Him?" Ritchie lowered himself to be at Eric's ear, "What has this one done for you? Other than give you respite when away from my arms."

"He is a friend of mine." Amilia said quickly, "No matter our history."

"So whose baby did you have? His?" Ritchie slashed his wand in the air, cutting at Eric's cheek. Blood trickled into his beard.

Amilia put her hands behind her back, gripping her fingers tightly.

Ritchie looked at her, a crazed twinkle in his eyes, "Darling, it would be better if you were honest with me. I feel very forgiving today."

"Forgiving?" Amilia asked.

"Yes, very. I have missed you and you knew of my return but never looked for me." Ritchie continued babbling.

How do I get out of this alive? How do I get Eric out alive? Amilia's eyes darted around the room; it appeared that it was just them.

"Did you not hear me?"

"Sorry, no, I was lost in thought."

"Lost in thought," Ritchie laughed, "that was something I liked about you, always so beautiful when you are thinking." He sighed and stood up straight, his wand at Eric's temple, "Anyway, I said, I know who the father of your baby is."

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