Chapter 106

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Amilia stayed out of the way after that fateful night. The castle was eerie; still, not even Peeves attempted any of his usual shenanigans. Nearly all of Slytherin House left after news broke of Dumbledore's murder, especially those whose parents were followers of the Dark Lord.

The funeral was a long and tiring expense. The banners in the castle were changed to black; the portraits mourned openly while the staff grieved quietly. Nearly all of the Aurors in the department attended Dumbledore's funeral, not only out of respect but also as a duty to the Ministry to protect the remaining students. It was a strange sight, very different from what was held at Hogwarts for Cedric Diggory's death.

Minerva only spoke to Amilia when necessary; she had appointed Amilia as a grief counselor should any of the students need it, and in truth, they did. She was kept busy. At meals, though, she sat by herself. The spot on her right was empty. Severus had not returned, much to her dismay, and the seat on her left was gone too. As most others had, the professor had left to be with their family was not necessary to keep the school open for those few days. The head table had condensed, and Minerva took the center seat as acting Headmistress.

Amilia picked at her food. That morning, between meeting with students, she was questioned by the Ministry.

Did your husband inform you of his plans to murder Albus Dumbledore? No.

Did your husband inform you that he was in service to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named? Yes, on Dumbledore's orders.

Do you know where your husband is now? No.

They doubted and threatened her with the Veritas Serum, but she did not budge. How could she tell them even under the potion's effects if she did not know? The whole interaction infuriated her, but not as much as being abandoned by Severus. He had taken their daughter from her, and now her friends too because he left her there.

She scowled at her food, that is not fair, and you know it. Even if she did know it, it did not stop her from feeling this way. She shoved a bit into her mouth and stood up. The chair made a horrible scraping sound against the stone floor, bringing all eyes to her. She turned her nose in the air, tossed the napkin from her lap, and left, walking down the center aisle as people whispered. She should be used to it by now, but it still irked her.

"Why is she still here? Do you think she was involved in the attack? Is she hiding Snape somewhere in the castle? She was a Death Eater the first time around."

"Hush you idiot, if she was in league with the Dark Lord why would she have killed that guy who was attacking her? He was a Death Eater too."

"I feel sorry for her. Her world is turned upsidedown just like the rest of us."

"You think she didn't know? Poor fool. I bet Snape used her as an alabi all these years."

Amilia shook her head as soon as the Great Hall doors closed; stupid, stupid children. Whispering nonsense with no knowledge of anything going on in the world. The Daily Prophet is going to have a grand ole time smearing me.

Amilia sat in her office, waiting for what she did not know but had nothing else to do. None of the staff wanted her around, and Minerva had to uphold the same attitude even if she appeared to be struggling; Poppy was nowhere to be found, probably taking care of matters off the ground.

Amilia wished she was a Ligimens like her husband; then, she could listen to her friends at the school thoughts and see what they honestly thought of her. In her heart, she was sure they were confused about where she stood and if they could trust her, but her mind told her that they had written her off the moment they learned who killed Dumbledore. Some may have been wary of her when Voldemort returned but kept their faith because Dumbledore believed in her.

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