Chapter 118

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Severus rose from the bed, hearing his name being called from downstairs. He threw on his bedrobe and shoved his feet into his slippers. "What now?" He grumbled as he reached the bottom step.

"I know where they are!"

Severus rubbed his eyes, "What?"

"I know where those children are. How are you this daft?"

Severus glared at the portrait of Phineas Nigellus, "You are the one who just woke me, forgive me for needing a moment to understand your ramblings."

"My apologies." The portrait fixed his collar. "Please let me know when you are ready."

"Who did you find?" Severus pinched the bridge of his nose and glanced at the second floor; Amilia was still sleeping peacefully. At least, he hoped it was peaceful.


Severus turned his gaze to the portrait, "Where?"

"Forest of Dean. They did not think I was listening, but I was. They arrived there this morning."

"Thank you." Severus did not wait to see if the portrait had anything else to say; he went upstairs and began dressing.

Amilia stirred gently as he put his boots on, "Where are you going?"

"I have something to do." He opened a chest across the room, pulling out the items that Amilia had retrieved from the Dursleys' house.

By now, Amilia had sat up, the strap of her nightgown slipping down her shoulder, "You know where he is?"

"Phineas learned of it this morning. I have to move fast." He shoved his hands in his coat, "Do not leave this room."

"What?" Amilia scowled.

"Just...please, do not leave this room."

"Severus, I will have to check on the students."

"I will not be gone long." He kissed her, and then he was gone."

Severus stood at a trail marker, the bitter cold nipped at his ears and nose. "You could not have gone somewhere warmer?" He shook his head, pulled out one of the shirts, and muttered the tracking spell.

The shirt lifted into the air, hovering about chest level, and then as if it were a bird in flight, the sleeves began to flap and lead Severus to the boy's location.

After a few hours of tripping over snow and frozen logs, Severus stopped short when the shirt crumpled against something and fell to the ground. Severus nodded, unsurprised; Granger was traveling with Potter, so she would have set up the protections and most certainly taught the boys the ones they needed if they had forgotten. He felt a small swirl of pride in his chest, knowing she was there with him, but he squashed it down because she was not of his house.

He waited a few more minutes before walking away. He had borrowed Amilia's bag with the extension charm, and the Sword of Gryffindor sat inside it. He wondered what to do with it when he heard Dumbledore's voice, "The sword must be taken under conditions of need and valor."

"Need and valor. What would cause need and valor in the middle of the forest?" Severus looked around; he could start a fire, but that would draw too much attention to the Muggles and maybe even keep the children from being able to escape it. Though Severus craved warmth, he caught his mind slipping to his wife, who he had left in his bed. He shook his head; he needed clear thoughts for this to succeed.

Severus continued walking for a while, finally coming across a frozen lake. He stared at it, "This will have to do." He took out his wand, broke some ice, then reached into the bag and pulled out the sword. The blade glistened in the winter sun, and the gems reminded him of the banners in the main corridor. He stood on the shore, tossed the sword into the freezing waters, and watched it sink.

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