Chapter 48

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Umbridge grinned, "Oh, yes, I know that you are pregnant."


"I am not stupid. Madam Pomfrey would not be making monthly visits to your quarters if that were not the case. That and you," Umbridge pointed a fat finger at Amilia's belly, "are showing. No outfit is going to keep that hidden."

Amilia chewed her cheek and glared at the witch.

"Who is the father?"

"That is none of your concern." Severus snapped, maintaining his death glare on the woman.

"I believe it is. As High Inquisitor, it is my job to know anything and everything happening at Hogwarts." Delores turned to face him, "Is the bastard yours?"

"Excuse me!" Amilia said, astounded.

"You are not married, I checked. Therefore the child is a bastard."

Severus reached for his wand, but Eric kicked him. "The child is mine."

"What?" Umbridge and Severus said in unison.

Severus stared at Eric, confused. Eric gave him a wide-eyed look before making eye contact with Delores. Severus followed.

"That is...what?" Umbridge failed to find the right words.

"You heard me." Eric said, annoyed.

"Amilia, when are you due?"

"That is none of your concern." Amilia snapped.

"Yes, it is. I know for a fact this man did not arrive here until last month, you are far too along for that."

Eric rolled his eyes, "I last saw her a couple of days before the school year started."

"You know if I ask Madam Pomfrey, she will have to tell me."

"No she will not. That is a breach of confidentiality." Amilia snapped. "The term will be over by the time the child is born."

"Well I suppose that is good news, you won't be missing any days." Umbridge grumbled. She turned her eyes to Eric, "You are?"

"Eric Moore."

"You do not sound as if you are from around here."

"I am American."

Umbridge perked up a little bit. "Americans are Pure-blood. Well that is promising."

Amilia glared at the woman, "What is it that you want?"

"Nothing now." Umbridge beamed at her. "Do keep me updated." She turned on her heel and left the building.

"Fat chance. Bitch." Eric snapped.

"What the hell was that for?" Severus snarled.

"What? Saying it is mine?"

"Yes." Severus leaned over the table, inches from Eric's face. "What game are you trying to play?"

"I'm not playing a game. Milia told me that you guys had to keep your relationship secret, that woman looked like she was going to continue to hound you guys until she got the answer she wanted."

Amilia sat down, sliding in next to Severus. Madam Rosmerta hurried over, placed a plate and mug in front of her, and winked before rushing off behind the counter.

Severus laid his hand on Amilia's leg; she shied away briefly before settling back down.

"So, what, you are going to pretend to be the father of my child?"

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