Chapter 55

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Easter had started; Amilia busied herself with papers regarding career counseling for the students. Mostly, she was to focus on Slytherin House, but she also aided other Heads of House's since many sixth and seventh years also needed to talk to someone about it. This year would be no different, but Amilia felt she could not focus solely on that.

With Voldemort looming over her thoughts and dreams, Severus and his foul mood since his last Occlumency with Harry, and trying to prepare for the baby, she was spread too thin.

Poppy knocked on her office door, a tin in her hands, "I come in peace." She jested.

"What peace?"

Poppy shrugged, "You get cranky this time of year, and rightfully so." She set the tin down on Amilia's desk. "Some cookies to keep you going, I added a little of the Pepper-up Potion while I baked them."

Amilia smiled, "Thank you."

"You've only got a couple more months left."

"I know." Amilia said sourly.

"Have you got a crib yet?"

Amilia sighed, "No, and I wish people would stop asking."

"Oh," Poppy stepped back.

"I am supposed to go shopping this weekend with Kylie, but it just does not seem right to go without Severus."

"He should go."

Amilia looked away; she was unsure how much she could tell her friend or even see what her friend knew.

"Well, I am sure he will agree with whatever you pick."

"Right." Amilia rested her head on her hand.

The weekend arrived, and Amilia dressed in a pair of slacks and a flowy top. Severus eyed her from the other side of the room, "Are you sure you will not get cold wearing that? One good breeze and it is going up and over."

Amilia scowled and pulled the hem of the shirt down further, "This is what the Muggles are wearing when they are pregnant. Kylie picked it up from the store and sent it to me this morning."

"I prefer when you wear your dresses." Severus had gotten up and walked over, leaning his head on her shoulder.

"Well that is not what I want to wear today. Besides, it is not like you are coming anyway." Amilia huffed.

Severus frowned, "You are going to be late."

"She will not care." Amilia moved out from under his chin and grabbed a cardigan. "She planned on going to Honeydukes while waiting for me anyway." She walked back over to him and pecked him on the cheek before grumbling about the stairs to her office.

Amilia sat in the Three Broomsticks; she and Kylie would take the Floo to her house and then drive from there. The idea of riding in a car kind of scared her, though she had not been in one since before her brother's abduction.

Eric walked past her carrying an array of books and scrolls; he beamed at her as he walked up to his room. Over the past few months, he had decided to write a report on the difference between schools in the United States and Europe. Amilia thought it was a rather dull topic for his sabbatical, but it did give him an excuse to stay close to Hogwarts, one that Umbridge and the Ministry would not find difficult to believe.

Amilia nibbled on the sweets she had brought with her while she waited.


Amilia glanced up; Eric loomed over her, "Hello?"

"Scoot over."

Amilia huffed as she moved over. Eric put his arm behind her, his fingers gracefully touching the top of her shoulder.

"What do you want?"

Eric did not say anything; he only watched the door. Amilia turned her attention to it as well, spying on Kylie as she walked in.

"What the hell are you doing?" Kylie dropped a heavy bag of candy on the table.

"I am enjoying my time sitting next to Amilia."

"Get your hands off of her!"

"Kylie," Amilia held up her hands defensively, "this is not uncommon. Umbridge thinks he is the father."

Kylie glared at Eric, "I do not care."

"I am the father and the husband."

Amilia jumped and hurried away, "What?"

Eric looked at her and drawled, "You heard me."

Amilia tilted her head, "Tell me something that only you would know."

"What the hell is going on?" Kylie asked.

"I threw a jar that shattered by your head earlier this month when you walked into my office."

Amilia's eyes widened, "Severus, what are you doing?" She whispered.

"I am coming along, I just cannot go as myself."

Amilia swatted at him, "You could have told me! Does Eric know that you look like him right now?"

Severus shrugged, "You would have gotten too excited, and that would have made Umbridge suspect something, and yes.

Kylie tapped her foot impatiently, "Well then we had better get going because that is going to wear off quickly."

Severus nodded and rose from the table; Amilia followed.

After the first two stores, Amilia was getting aggravated. Kylie and Severus kept arguing. Kylie would point out something ideal for safety and convenience since the couple had no idea where they would live or raise the child during the summer. On the other hand, Severus kept stating that those were not as important because they would be in Wizard communities.

Amilia sat in a soft rocking chair; her eyes closed as she listened to them.

"Miss, is everything alright?"

Amilia opened one eye and looked at the store associate, "Yes, this is common for them."

"Oh," he eyed Kylie and Severus, "this must be difficult for you, doing this wonderous thing for them and they keep acting like that."

"What?" Amilia sat forward, the chair leaning with her.

"Well." The associate looked back at her and pointed at her belly.

"I do not care!" Kylie snapped, "This is about the baby, not about what you want!"

Amilia sighed, "I see. No, I am not having the baby for them. He is my husband. He and my friend have always been at odds."

"I see." The associate pulled on their vest and said, "I see that you have your eye on this crib, however, perhaps the mother should have a say."

Kylie and Severus paused, looking at the associate before noticing that Amilia was not standing with them. Kylie sighed as she walked over, "I am so sorry."

Amilia gave her a thin-lipped smile and waved the associate away. "Severus has a point, we will either be in Hogsmead or the castle, magic will be used every day. However," Amilia looked at her husband, who appeared a little too smug, "Safety is important as well."

Severus scowled and crossed his arm over his chest.

"Besides," Amilia rose from the chair, "I want a wood crib, not metal."

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"I did."

Kylie looked at the floor. Severus looked away, "I need to take the potion, this hour is almost up. You two go to the wooden cribs, I will meet you there."

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