Chapter 82

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Severus stood outside the courtroom holding Jordan while Amilia ran to the bathroom. Her nerves were a wreck, and she felt the need to vomit. He could feel the lump in his throat as he stood waiting. Kylie would meet them to watch Jordan while in the courtroom with Amilia.

"Well, you look like you've been hit by a loose carriage."

Severus looked down the hallway, "Poppy?"

She gave a tight smile to him as she pushed Eric in a wheelchair, "You didn't sleep did you?"


"Where's Amilia?" Eric asked, his voice still a little hoarse, either from fear of using it fully or to add to the effect of the extent of his injuries.

"She is...using the restroom. How are you?"

Eric shrugged, "Interested to see the differences between American and British courts."

Severus scowled; he was not sure what differences there would be.

"Can I hold her before we go in?"

Severus glanced at Jordan before handing her over. She slept, as usual, and quickly settled into his arms. Eric grinned at her, "She looks like her mommy."

"Yes she does."

Severus tore his eyes away from Eric, spying Kylie standing behind Poppy, "You are late."

Kylie glared at him, "I do not have the luxury of having summer off."

Severus and Kylie stared at each other until Amilia wandered into their line of sight. "Knock it off you two. Eric, give Jordan to Kylie."

Eric protested slightly as the baby was lifted from his arms. "You get to hold her all the time."

"That will change once the school year starts." Kylie grumbled, "You two had better get in there. Don't want to keep them waiting."

Inside the courtroom, Amilia sat on the same cold benches she had so many years ago, again defending herself against the actions of Ritchie Clearwater.

"Miss Hubbard, or should we say Mrs. Snape, how do you plea to the casting of an unforgivable curse?"

Amilia rose from the bench and stood in the center of the room, "Guilty but it was in self defense and in the defense of another."

The man sitting at the front podium stared down at her. "It seems you have a habit of coming before the courts, no matter the circumstances."

"The Ministry seems to have a habit of failing to catch escaped prisoners from Azkaban." Amilia snapped.

A murmur fell across the room as everyone shifted uncomfortably, knowing she was right.

"You are aware that this is an odd trial. We have the memories from you and Mister Moore, but as to why Mister Clearwater came after you is unclear. Could you elaborate?"

Severus watched Amilia grip her fingers behind her as she explained that Ritchie was infatuated with her during their seventh year. After she had rejected him, he attempted to force her to drink a love potion.

He could hear the thoughts of many audience members; it was in the Daily Prophet how a student used an Unforgivable Curse on a classmate. Many had been sitting on the same benches for that trial as well.

"So am I going to go to Azkaban or not?"

Amilia's biting tone dragged Severus back to the scene before him.

"Under normal circumstances, yes, however we are dealing with a powerful dark wizard and you believed you had no other way to ensure your safety."

Eric had been wheeled to sit next to Amilia, "So what is going to happen to us then?"

The man at the podium sighed, "You both are free to go. However, Mrs. Snape, you will be monitored seeing as you had past affiliation with the Death Eaters."

"Unwillingly." She snapped. "Had you not changed the way marriages have been handled, Ritchie Clearwater may not have accelerated his plans."

"Do you truly believe that?"

"Yes." Eric and Amilia said in unison. Eric pushed himself forward and continued, "It is was he said when he was beating me and tearing at my flesh. You have that memory as well. He was enraged that she had married and had a child with Snape."

Many eyes turned to him, and he stared back, daring them to say something.

"Clearwater was obsessed with Amilia. He believed that she was made for him. That is why he used me to lure her there. That is why he joined forces with your Dark Lord, he knew it was the only way he would be able to get the information needed to...obtain his prize, those were his words."

"We are sorry that he had hurt you in this manner." A member in the stands said.

Eric did not say anything in response.

"Mrs. Snape, since you are still employed by Albus Dumbledore, we will have to allow him to choose how you are monitored with castle grounds and Hogsmead. If we learn that you have had any affiliation with current Death Eaters, we will reevaluate that."

Severus watched as his wife squared her shoulders, ready to speak, "I have no intention of joining their ranks. If I could rip this mark off of my arm, I would." Amilia brandished her right forearm. "Believe me, I have fucking tried," she said darkly.

Shortly after that, they were dismissed. Amilia took Jordan from her friend and gave her a quick rundown of what happened before taking Severus's hand and leading him out of the Ministry.

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