Chapter 67

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Amilia woke up late the following day with light cramping. Are you going to toy with me all day, little one? Carefully she sat up and surveyed the room around her. Severus's side of the bed was a crumpled mess, like always. She sighed and grumbled as she pushed herself off the bed and made it as neat as possible before shuffling over to the bathroom.

After washing her hands, she put her hair up and tossed something loose and breathable, a plain green shift. "Today is going to be rough." She sighed as she entered the sitting room; some late gifts had come in while they were at the farewell feast. Amilia looked at the delicate bow on one of them and caught Narcissa's handwriting. She opened the envelope:

I know. Of course, I know, Draco has told me. I would love to see the child, but I do not think that will ever happen, given the circumstances.

I know you have heard about my husband as well, do keep Draco and me in your thoughts. Perhaps we will see each other in public. I must warn you, do not come here. Please do not write to me, do not write to Draco. For any conversations that you may want to have, please have them done through Severus. The Dark Lord has taken the manor as his base. My sister believes this is a blessing, although we know he is punishing us for Lucius's recent failures.

Do keep safe, and please, keep Draco safe when he is at school.


Always your friend, Narcissa Malfoy

Amilia sighed and set the envelope aside. The delicate bow was easy to remove; Amilia liked how it shimmered in the light and wanted to save it. She opened the box carefully, and inside were a few items. First, she pulled out what looked like a christening gown, with a simple note, 'for your first family portrait,' following were some outfits that only a Malfoy would spend money on and a small wooden box. Amilia set the other items aside to examine the parcel. It appeared to be stained a rich brown, but she could not determine its type of wood. Carefully she opened the lid, soft piano music began to play, and images started moving inside the top. There was no crank on the outside, so Amilia did not think it was a music box, but then, it was a gift from a wealthy witch.

Amilia watched, mesmerized, as pictures of Amilia and Severus appeared and moved. She smiled with tears in her eyes, "How wonderful." She closed the lid and gently patted it before opening the remaining gifts. Little clothes that said they would grow with them for several months. A small toy broom that would hover just above the ground for the baby to chase after, and a baby book for them to write down milestones and notes, a gift from Kylie's in-laws.

She wandered over to the window, opened it, and stood in the breeze while closing her eyes and inhaling deeply. "What shall we do today? Hmm?"

Severus was not in his office, but she did find a small note. He had left to deal with Pettigrew before the meeting. He had left Amilia a small to-do list to keep her occupied while he was away, nothing that would go against the healer's orders; organize the books in the classroom, scrub the tables, and quickly inventory vials and flasks.

Amilia rolled her eyes at the note; he was worried that she would get bored without him despite the fact that Minerva and Poppy always stayed at the castle. Which reminds me, I ought to see if they want to join me for lunch. Perhaps it will make the day go faster. Amilia set herself to the task Severus had left her.

Amilia finished her task and even rearranged the shelves in her sitting room; she wanted to get up to the main floor but knew that she should not go up the stairs without help, even if she felt like she was fine, though the cramping was rather nagging. Amilia summoned a House-elf after she sat down in her chair.

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