Chapter 16

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October had arrived, quidditch practices were in full swing, and Amilia began gathering ingredients for the Wolfsbane Potion. Minerva had ranted for weeks about her inspection by Umbridge, and now it was Severus's turn. He was anxious but tried not to let it show at breakfast. Umbridge sat on the other side of him, usually looking at him over her tiny pink teacup. Amilia was getting frustrated with how much that woman looked at him with that look of joy. "I hope that she goes easy on you, not like she did with Sybill."

Severus grunted, trying not to talk, knowing that he would say something that would influence the observations made in his classroom if he did.

"Ah hem."

Severus and Amilia looked at the woman wearing the garish pink outfit, "What?"

"Professor Hubbard, did you receive my note informing you of your inspection?"

Amilia scowled, "No, I did not."

"I had a House-elf leave it on your desk." Umbridge chirped.

"I did not go to my office this morning." Amilia drawled, looking away from the woman and sipping her coffee.

"She is never cheery in the morning is she?" Umbridge asked Severus.

He just looked at her, "It depends on who she talks to." He, too, turned back to his food.

Severus and Amilia entered the common room to find a large group of students standing near the little bulletin board, one that was hardly ever looked at. They could hear the anger rising in the students, and Draco shouted, "My father will hear about this!"

Severus glided over, and students parted ways to allow him to read what was posted. Amilia followed closely behind, reading out loud, "All regular meetings of three or more students, defining what makes an organization, group, club, or team have been banned henceforth and must require the permission of the High Inquisitor, Professor Umbridge. All students found disregarding Educational Degree 24 will be expelled from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

Students mumbled and grumbled behind them as the two Heads of Slytherin looked at each other. "My office. Now."

Amilia nodded curtly and weaved through the students, stopping when Draco grabbed her arm, "Quidditch and the Frog Choir are all I have right now."

Amilia stared into his eyes; she could see the sadness and anger mixing around as he struggled not to stamp his foot and demand that it be fixed immediately. "We will do what we can. Give us some time."

He nodded and let her arm go.

Amilia sat in Severus's chair as he paced the small space. "Calm down. You have your inspection today, perhaps talk to her after that to get the quidditch team's permission, at the minimum. There is nothing we can do about the other clubs and such since we are not in charge of them."

"I know, I know!" Severus snapped, "I know exactly why she is doing this."

"Do you?"


Amilia looked at him expectantly.

Severus took a deep breath, "I saw Potter go into the Hogs Head, many other students followed. She must believe that he is planning something. If he is, I do not know what."

"We should tell Dumbledore."

"I have."


"He said to let it play out. I think he knows a little bit more than we do." Severus stared into a corner of his office, contemplating, "Do you know of anything that Potter may be up to?"

Amilia shook her head, "I know that he and his friends despise that woman. A few weeks ago his hand was bleeding at breakfast but he was not very forthcoming about what happened."

"Bleeding?" Severus's eyes flashed, "That could be from anything."

"I know."

He sighed, "You need to get ready, you will have students soon."

"Yes, and you will have Delores." Amilia got up, "Have fun with that."

Severus rolled his eyes and said sarcastically, "Of course."

Amilia unlocked her classroom and placed her little stand outside, allowing students to sign up for tutoring before she meandered into her office. There, on god-awful pink stationary, was the dreaded note from Umbridge.

I am pleased to inform you that your inspection will occur on the Fifteenth of November. Have a wonderful day.

Amilia crumpled it and threw the note in the fire, "Of course, just before my bloody birthday."

Later that day, Amilia met Severus in his classroom; she had a few vials for him to grade. "How did it go?"

"Annoying." Severus looked up from his scroll. "She hovered, interrupted students. Even questioned me about my applications for the Defense Against the Dark Arts position."

"Why is that important?"

Severus shrugged, "She also inquired about my blood status."

Amilia scowled, "Why?"

"I have no idea. It is not rare for a Half-Blood to be in our House. However, it is uncommon."

Amilia gave him a thin-lipped nod; she was not prepared for that. "How would she have known about that?"

"She is from the Ministry, she probably has the ability to pull those records."

Amilia walked over to the shelf, "Did she ask about us?"

Severus's eyebrows tugged together, "No, why?"

"There would have been a file for our license, well the request for it anyway."


"I do not trust her."

"Neither do I love."

Amilia touched the shelf and waited for it to do its thing. "If she confronts either of us, we lie, correct?"

Severus sighed, "Yes, while I hate that we need to do that but yes."

"I just wanted to be on the same page. I am going to bed. Good night."

"Good night."

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