Chapter 98

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Later that night, Severus, while laying his sleeping daughter into her crib, his tattoo began to burn. He craned his neck, listening for his wife's familiar hiss of pain but heard none. He scowled; this can only mean one thing. He quickly tucked Jordan in, her blanket snuggly around her little body, and kissed her little forehead before leaving the room.

"I have to go."

Amilia looked up from her book, "What?"

He gave her a simple look, and she dropped her eyes to the floor, "Do I need to get Eric?"

"No, but I will see you in a few hours."

"If I am awake," Amilia grumbled.

Severus crossed the room and kissed her head, "I am sure you will be."

Severus once again walked into the dining room at Malfoy Manor, "My Lord?" He gracefully bowed to the man at the head of the table.

"I am so pleased that you could make it Severus, please sit."

A chair moved on its own near Severus; he sat down carefully.

"Now that you are here, the next phase of my grand plan can commence." Voldemort rose from the chair and slowly began to pace behind seated people. "I have been informed that Draco has completed the repairs on the Vanishing Cabinet. Yaxley, Carrows," the Death Eaters whose names had been called squared their shoulders, "you shall be of the few to enter Hogwarts. Tomorrow."

Lucius looked pleased, and Narcissa did her best to hide her displeasure with the news. Severus gripped the end of his sleeve, "What shall Draco be doing during this?" Immediately, he knew the time to hold up his end of the bargain was coming.

"Draco will be at the other end waiting for us!" Bellatrix grinned. "I am so proud of my nephew. He has served the Dark Lord so well."

"Yes..." Voldemort sighed, "however there is still the issue with Albus Dumbledore still being alive."

Bellatrix turned her eyes back to Severus, tilting her head to the side, watching to see if he would give himself away.

"Draco will preform the task," Voldemort continued, "he is not one to displease anyone. Is that correct Severus?"

"Yes, my lord, you are correct."

"Good." Voldemort glided back to his seat. "Of course the Aurors placed there will need to be disposed of."

"Naturally." Said one of the Carrows a little too eagerly.

"I do not want the school to be entirely destroyed. We will need it after all." Voldemort gently ran his finger along the length of his wand.

"What purpose shall the school serve my lord?" Someone asked.

"I am happy you asked." Voldemort smiled almost too much. "After Dumbledore's timely demise, our dear Severus will take over as Headmaster. This will allow us to train a new generation of Death Eaters for our cause and keep an eye on any of the Mud-bloods that are currently attending."

Severus scowled, "Me? Headmaster? Minerva McGonagall is supposed to take that position when Dumbledore retires or dies."

"Is it not true that the Ministry of Magic can appoint someone else Lucius?" Voldemort asked casually.

"Yes, and the school governors." Lucius said rather quickly.

"That is what I thought." Voldemort smiled again, "Once the Ministry is under my control, it will not be hard to appoint you as such, Severus."

Severus nodded, only to show that he was listening to what was being said; however, the thoughts in his head were louder than expected. ME? Headmaster? I have had no training to handle anything about the school. Is anything I have learned in my years as the Head of Slytherin House applicable to that situation? Then it dawned on him who would take his place as Head of Slytherin.

"My lord?" Severus spoke up, "I do have one question." He waited for Voldemort to give him the okay to speak. However, he already knew the answer to the question he was about to ask. "Who would I appoint as Head of Slytherin House once I am in charge of the school?"

Voldemort grinned, "I am glad you asked. That, Severus, would be your wife."

Severus stared at the wizard, he knew that would be the answer, but he had hoped otherwise.

"Are you not pleased to hear this?"

"My lord, I am overjoyed that you have such faith in my wife to allow her to continue leading the children of our future." Severus said carefully.

"Good." Voldemort turned his gaze to the Carrows and Bellatrix, explaining what he wanted to be done while they were in the school. Severus took this chance to regain control of his thoughts and emotions.

"Severus? How many of those...Phoenix members are stationed at the school?"

He perked up at his name, "Within school grounds, I believe three, but I do know that more patrol Hogsmead."

"I am not worried about the silly little village, they will learn their lesson from learning about what happens at Hogwarts and to Albus Dumbledore."

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