Chapter 125

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Think, think, think! Where would they go!? Amilia ran up the dungeon steps; her heart was pounding as hard as her footfalls.

She paused at the top of the stairs, "Where would who go?" She still had not decided who she was looking for. Her heart was pulling in two directions: Draco, whose life had barely begun, and her husband, whose life was on the line.

Amilia shook her head, "No, Draco's life is on the line too." She ducked behind a pillar as she heard Peeve's cackle echo down the corridor. She covered her ears because she could hear the Mandrake scream as it was flown overhead. Draco. I must find Draco. He is just a child. Severus will kill me if something happens to the boy. Severus can take care of himself for a few more minutes!

She stood up, her hands still over her ears as she peeked around the corner. The coast was clear as she ran towards the front of the castle. The gargoyles outside the staff room had been obliterated; however, their snarky comments had not been damaged. She could hear them bickering with each other as she ran past.

Amilia paused at a window that had been blasted in; she could see several people throwing something over the wall. Amilia shook her head. No, not something. Mandrakes. She scoffed, "Effective."

The floors shuddered beneath her, pulling her out of her thoughts. She lurched forward, grabbing the window frame, as she heard what sounded like a wall crash to the ground. Statues that she had only ever seen when on a broom were fighting against giants in the courtyard. Fire fell from the sky in soft flakes reminding her of snow at sunset.

Her heart pounded as she watched black-cloaked figures rush up the bridge swarming the courtyard and giants swinging literal trees at the covered walkways. Screams filled the air as firebolts blew up inside doorways.

"This is madness."

The walls shuddered this time as a giant was felled, and it took out a wall in its descent to the ground.

Amilia sucked in a deep breath and willed herself forward. She had a job to do. She must find Draco and ensure his safety and then find Severus. He would want to know his godson is safe when she finds him.

Amilia threw herself out of the window and into the courtyard. Bodies and rubble lay around her feet. The fountain where she had taken so many lunch breaks and private moments with Severus had been obliterated. Spells were flying across the area, and a single giant had paused in his rampage.

Amilia looked at his feet and saw three figures staring back up. In the flash of blue magic, she could see Harry Potter's glasses. "Harry!" She screamed his name despite knowing that he could not hear her. No one could unless they were right next to her.


Amilia's head snapped around as she saw a Death Eater approach her, the wand brandished.

"Leave the boy for the Dark Lord!" The muffled voice gave no ill intent for her, just a stern reminder.

"Fuck the Dark Lord!" Amilia snapped as she thrust her wand out; ropes flew out from the tip of her wand, wrapping around the Death Eater.

"You," the Death Eater struggled, "you are loyal!"

Amilia rushed over to the man on the ground and gave him a swift kick, his mask flying off his face. She did not recognize the man and could not be sure if he was under a spell, so she bent down, punching him in the face until he was unconscious.

When she stood up, she did not see the trio; panic coursed through her. She had a lead on where Draco would be, and she had just lost it. "Shit!"

She looked around, trying to find a small glimmer or sight of them but nothing. Just fighting and death all around her. She growled and took off, running towards the bridge.

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