Chapter 18

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Amilia stood in her classroom, watching the snowfall outside the window while waiting for the Remedial Charms students to arrive, when Umbridge trotted in, "Oh, wonderful the students have not arrive yet. I would love to get some questions out of the way."

"Please hold all questions until after the class has ended." Amilia said quickly as she turned her back to the woman, "I use this time to talk to the students."

Umbridge scoffed, "Talk to them? Whatever do you mean?"

"Sit down in the corner and you will see." A small stool in the far corner away from the door appeared.

Umbridge glanced at it, "I would rather sit in your office to observe."

"That is off limits during class periods." Amilia said sharply. "You may sit there or stand. Your choice."

Umbridge pursed her lips and scribbled on her scroll as students filed in. Amilia beamed brightly at them as they took their seats. She asked them how their mornings were and how confident they felt regarding their current work in the Charms classroom. Some explained that they felt as if they needed more practice, and others said they did not understand it and were struggling. So, Amilia got busy reviewing the spells that the students needed to work on. They pulled out their wands, rehearsed the movements, and then said the spell without their wands.

After some time, Amilia pulled out the necessary items and allowed them to practice while observing them. Near the end of the class, she let the students work on other assignments if they wanted. Now, she gave her attention to Umbridge, who scribbled madly away.

Standing near the large windows in the classroom, Umbridge began to question Amilia. "How long have you been an educator?"

"This is my tenth year."

"I see, and according to your records, you taught at Ilvermonry and Beauxbaton?"

"Yes." Amilia said dryly, annoyed because they were correct if they were in her file.

"How do you like teaching here at Hogwarts?"

Amilia shrugged, "It has its ups and downs, the students are great and so are all of the staff. I have only met two during my time here where I did not get along with a teacher."

"Who might those two be?" Umbridge asked.

Amilia glanced over at the students to ensure they continued to work quietly while ignoring the question. "What do some of these questions have to do with my ability to teach?"

"Tut tut, I am the one asking the questions here!"

Amilia closed her eyes to avoid rolling them as she uttered an unfelt apology.

"You are a Pure-blood, correct?" Umbridge waited for Amilia's nod before continuing. "How does it feel to work with." The bell rang, signaling the end of the class.

Amilia turned away from her, "Great work today! As always, if you feel as if you need extra practice, feel free to sign up for a tutoring time! Next week we will be going over several spells to prepare for an upcoming test. Have a wonderful weekend!" She waved at the students as they passed.

Once, a fifth-year hung behind, cautiously eyeing the two professors in the room, "I, uh, wanted to wish you a happy birthday Professor Hubbard. I overheard some of the Slytherin's in the hall."

"Oh, thank you Trantect." Amilia beamed, "I appreciate that! Now, go on before you are late for your next class."

"Yes, mam." The student grabbed their bag quickly and darted out the door, narrowly missing Severus as he entered.

"Am I interrupting?" He drawled.

"Yes." Umbridge hissed.

Amilia shot her a dirty look before going to her office, "No, you are not, however I do not have anything to give you to grade."

Severus followed with Umbridge closely behind, "Professor Snape! I am in the middle of an inspection! This can wait!"

"No, it cannot." Amilia and Severus said in unison.

Severus turned to Amilia and handed her a folded piece of parchment. "This is the content for the next essay, I suspect Mister Longbottom will be coming to you for assistance."

Amilia took it, set it on her desk, and nodded, "Most likely. I will look over it in a moment, I do need to finish my inspection." She produced a grimace, "Please stay, we can discuss this further when it is finished."

Umbridge tapped her shoe impatiently, "As I was saying before I was interrupted; how do you like working with Professor Snape?"

"What?" Amilia and Severus said in unison again.

"I know you heard me."

"How is that relevant?" Amilia asked.

"It is very relevant given the nature of your relationship. I also have an understanding that you two did not get along for the first two and a half years of your return to this fine institution." Umbridge grinned.

"I do not understand what you are getting at." Amilia scowled, "The only relationship that Professor Snape and I have is a professional one."

"Yes, yes, that is what I have heard. However," Umbridge pulled out a baby pink file, producing newspaper clippings and a copy of what was supposed to be their marriage license, "this certainly has had to have been a difficult obstacle to overcome in order for the two of you to work here together. I want to know, how it feels right now."

"This is not something that you asked me." Severus snapped.

Umbridge grinned as she ignored him, "As High Inquisitor, I need to know if anything personal is going to affect the staff at Hogwarts."

"There is nothing personal happening between the two of us." Amilia growled, "Yes, at one point in time we were to be married. Yes that article is correct in how it ended. Yes, the first few years here were difficult but we managed to put our differences and issues aside so that the students do not suffer."

"So you two only have a working relationship then? Nothing romantic or sexual in any way shape or form?"

Amilia stared at the woman, appalled. Severus clenched his jaw together, trying not to reach out and strangle the nasty woman.

"No, not at all and my personal relationships are no ones business but my own."

"I beg to differ." Umbridge chirped, "One last question, your private quarters are next to each other correct?"

"Yes." Severus drawled.

"Wonderful. I had come to your office, Severus, to see you about something I saw in your classroom, I could not find you. However, I heard...a primal noise coming from the other side of the wall."

Amilia blanched, "A primal noise?"

"Yes, primal. Sex, I should say." The woman looked smugly at Amilia as if she had caught her in the act. "Who might you have invited into your quarters if not Professor Snape?"

"I told you, there is nothing between us."

"Right, you did however you are not answering my question."

Amilia shook her head, "My sex life is none of your concern."

"It is when the safety of the school is in jeopardy."

Again, Amilia closed her eyes and took a deep breath before attempting to answer. Umbridge cut her off, "No worries, I shall believe you, for now, that you are not having a personal relationship with a coworker. However, whoever it was that you are haveing intercoures with, needs to not happen here on the grounds, nor in Hogsmead, and preferably without a marriage contract." Umbridge folded up her papers and put the file under her arm, "The safety of this school, and the educational reform are the top priority of the Ministry and anything that jeopardizes it will be met with swift punishment. So save your flings for the holiday breaks when you are not here."

Amilia watched Umbridge leave; her chest puffed out in pride as if she had just won a great battle. I wish I could rip your head off and throw it in the lake.

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