Chapter 17

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Amilia sat in the staff room after breakfast. She did not have students that morning and did not want to be bothered by anyone at the moment; however, Madam Hooch had walked in and was delighted to see her. "Slytherin was able to get the team reinstated!"

"Oh wonderful!" Amilia smiled; I wonder how Severus pulled that off.

"Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw are being reviewed, however, Gryffindor, keeps getting gruff about it."

Amilia's scowl mirrored Madam Hooch's, "That woman has it out for Potter. I heard he has missed multiple practice sessions before that Education Decree."

Madam Hooch poured herself a coffee, "Yes, he did. Detentions with her."

Amilia shook her head, "That is absolutely asinine. I also heard from students in the halls that it is because he is so adamant about He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, returning."

Madam Hooch shuddered, "Yes, that is true."

"How will it work of Gryffindor does not get Umbridge's permission?"

"Well, I will have to redo the match-ups and I would most likely be a short season."

"Oh." Amilia slumped in the chair.

So far, by the end of the second day, the book club, all of the quidditch teams, and chess had been reinstated. Severus watched as Amilia played the piano in the common room, students huddled together, trying to regain some semblance of normalcy after their clubs and such had been banned. First, Draco had told Severus that Frog Choir would be evaluated the next day; she told Flitwick that she wanted to hear us sing a Christmas carol and the school song to be eligible to start meeting again.

Severus shook his head; that should not have anything to do with getting the choir back together. He understood wanting to hear them sing, but the specific songs were a little out of reach, to him at least. I wonder if this has anything to do with Amilia since she plays the piano, and neither she nor I have been thrilled to deal with Delores. He crossed his arms over his chest, closed his eyes, and listened to the music she played. It sounded normal in the sense that it was not sad nor distractingly cheerful but still moving at the same time.

Draco hovered near the fireplace, looking as if he were lost, and Severus wondered if he was. Draco had told his father about what was going on, and the only response he got was, Go with it. The Ministry has the best for Hogwarts and its students at heart. Stay out of trouble. Severus could tell that Draco was troubled by his activities being stripped away from him, but Severus was doing what he could help, but since he was not kissing Umbridge's ass, he was meeting more closed doors than open ones.

Severus surveyed the room; he wondered who he could turn to. Amilia always listened when he needed her, but even she was struggling due to the recent Educational Decree. Dumbledore was out of the question as well since the man was too busy trying to find a way to defeat Voldemort. The Headmaster was even shirking some of his responsibilities and ignoring Potter. Even Severus disagreed with that; Dumbledore had been giving the boy his undivided attention for four years, and then acting like this was hard for anyone. Severus could see this effect on Potter, and it was driving him nuts. Of course, outwardly, he could do nothing about all of this; he had to continue with how he had acted in the past.

Suddenly, a hash cord was struck on the piano when the door to the common room swung open. Dumbledore stepped into the room, "Severus, I need you for a moment."

"Of course." Severus tossed a look over at Amilia, and she rose from the piano and began ushering students to finish their work and go to bed. Severus followed Dumbledore to his office, where everything was silenced, and no one could enter. "What is the matter?" Severus asked.

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