Chapter 74

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Severus sat in his sitting room at Spinner's End, it killed him to be away from Amilia and Jordan, but it was a necessary evil. Amilia said he was sleeping too hard at night, and she had to get up and do everything in the dark. Amilia had been sleeping a lot, and so was Jordan, but they had also been fighting.

He glared at the paper in his hands; it was not like I was doing it intentionally. I do things during the day too! It aggravated him, but he did not want to let her know that was how he was feeling; he knew it would only make her feel worse about herself if he did.

He recalled how she would stare at her body for long periods in the mirror, he tried to be comforting and reassuring, but he felt like he was not helping.

Healer Pearson checked in frequently; he had informed Severus that Amilia's labor was not a forced event this time, just that little Jordan was ready to arrive. He would check with Amilia about how she was feeling physically and emotionally; she would say she was fine but just a little sore.

Severus knew better, though; her thoughts were difficult to block out. She would have erratic thoughts that jumped from one subject to another when she was too tired. More often than not, her thoughts were about Jordan, wondering who she would look like more and if any of her grandparents would love her, but those were overshadowed by the doubt of being a new mother. Am I doing enough? Is she eating enough? Sleeping enough? Sleeping too long? Does she like being rocked by the window? Should I do this or that?

It was exhausting to hear the thoughts...but it must have been even more exhausting to experience them daily. Severus hoped, Amilia would find a few moments to herself today while he was gone, but he doubted it.

"Severus, you have visitors."

Severus looked up from the papers in his hands, "What visitors?"

Peter Pettigrew fidgeted, "Bellatrix Lestrange and Narcissa Malfoy."

Severus sighed, "I assume Bella has already wormed her way inside."

A crazed giggle answered him as the two women as they came into the room, "Always with the descriptive words."

"What is it that you want?" Severus asked.

"Draco has taken the mark," Narcissa said, her eyes darting to Peter.

"Peter, best leave this conversation to the adults." Severus drew his wand and closed the door in the man's face.

"You know?" Bellatrix asked, bewildered.

"Of course, I know." Severus drawled.

"What can I do?" Narcissa asked.

"Nothing," Severus said, "if it is the Dark Lord's bidding, than it must be done and done well. You should know this by now."

Bellatrix looked at him enraged, "You know! Then how is it that the Potter boy is still living!? He has been in your grasp for five years! Yet you have done done and let Dumbledore use you as a plaything!"

Severus grinned maliciously, "You are right that I have fooled a great wizard like Dumbledore, but my faith lies in the Dark Lord. I was where the Dark Lord told me to be when he fell, and I have remained his humble servant, gaining the trust of the professors and students, eyeing those who would serve him greatly; but he did vanish, sadly." Severus played with his wand, growing tired of the conversation.

Bellatrix stared at him, trying to come up with something else to say to trip him up, hating that she was not the Dark Lord's immediate person upon her return.

"I have played my part well!" Severus snapped, "What is it that you want, Narcissa?"

Narcissa played with her hair, "The Dark Lord forbids me from speaking of it, that no one should know his plans."

"If it is forbidden, then do not speak of it."

Severus got up and looked out the window, ready to be free of this place and to be with his daughter and wife, "And yes, as I have said, I already know. Now, what is it that you want?"

"Your help."

"Cissy! His help! Draco can do this on his own! It is an honor, and he will be held in the highest esteem!"

"Shut up, Bella!" Narcissa snapped as she grabbed Severus's jacket, "You must do it for him!"

Severus grabbed hold of Narcissa's arms, prying her away from him, "I cannot do it for him, but I can try him if the need arises."

"You would?"

"I will try." Severus nodded, locking eyes with the woman, knowing exactly how she felt. A parent's fear of their child's safety will drive them to do anything to protect them.

Bellatrix scoffed, "Then make the vow."

Narcissa removed herself from Severus's grasp, "Bella, you must be joking."

"No," Bellatrix sneered, "make the Unbreakable Vow, prove that you are truly ours."

Severus rolled his tongue over his teeth and thrust out his hand, "Take my hand Narcissa."

Narcissa took his hand, and Bellatrix led the spell. "I will," Severus said.

Once that was over, and Bellatrix had her fill with what was in Severus's kitchen, they were ready to leave.

Narcissa pulled Severus into a hug and whispered in his ear quickly, "I know you love him, just as much as I do. Thank you."

Severus said nothing but shook her hand; Bellatrix stood nearby, watching their interaction. Severus looked at her, "One of these days, the Dark Lord will tire of you not trusting me."

"Never." She sneered in response.

"Have a safe journey home." Severus said, turning his face away, "I hear that the weather has been giving the Muggles a lot of trouble."

"I hope you enjoyed your time with that woman Severus, my little protege is on his way to claim her." Bellatrix grinned maliciously before leaving his home.

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