Chapter 28

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Edgar returned to the cottage; Severus grabbed the paper from his beak and tossed him a strip of meat before handing it to Amilia.

Her eyes scanned it, "She will be joining us for dinner."

"I will get started on it."

"Can we have mashed potatoes?" Amilia asked.

Severus chuckled, "Only the best for you two."

"Perfect," Amilia yawned, "I am going to take a nap."

Silverware clattered in the small kitchen of the cottage. Amilia scooped more mashed potatoes onto her plate and did a happy little wiggle in her seat.

"I am glad to see you eating." Poppy mused.

Severus nodded in agreement, "So am I."

"Well, you two told me about the appointment and you two got to see the little bean. What now?"

"That is actually what I was hoping to discuss with you." Amilia set down her spoon, "I know...the last time, I covered it up but I do not want to do that this time. I have nothing to be ashamed of. So that is off the table."

Severus stared at Amilia; you were ashamed? You hid him?

"Of course." Poppy pulled a small notebook from her pocket, "I have to stock up on supplies for you and the little one. Do you know what you want to do for when you are in labor?"

Amilia shook her head, "No hospitals unless absolutely necessary."

"I assume you will not be at the castle."

"I have not thought that far ahead."

"Why not at the castle?" Severus asked, finally being drawn out of his thoughts.

Amilia stared at him, "Do you really want to be dealing with Umbridge banging on the door or would you rather have me in a quiet and relaxing place?"

"No castle it is." Severus grumbled as he continued to eat.

Poppy looked back at Amilia, "Have you told Dumbledore?"

Amilia shook her head again, her eyes falling to the table, "I have not even said anything to Minerva yet."

"You probably should tell at least Dumbledore soon that way he knows that there may be days that you are unable to teach and to prepare for the next year if you continue to teach."

Amilia rubbed her temple, "This is a lot to deal with at the moment."

"Yes, but these next few months are going to go by quickly." Poppy scribbled some more, "I will want to check on you a couple of times a month, given the circumstances of last time."

Amilia groaned. Severus reached for her hand, reassuring her.

"Severus, will you want to be there when the baby is delivered?" Poppy asked.

Severus was startled, "I can be there?"

"Why wouldn't you be?" Poppy pursed her lips.

"I did not think I could be." He looked at Amilia, worried, "Do you want me there?"

"You will be there if I have to have your cold body dragged through the door." Amilia glared.

Severus laughed, "I do not want to miss anything."

"Good." Poppy pocketed the book, "Of course we will revisit this conversation when it gets closer to time but for right now, enjoy your pregnancy as much as you can."

"Will you be able to tell what the baby is?" Severus asked.

Poppy looked at him curiously, "No. Why do you ask?"

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