Chapter 97

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"Amilia." Severus tried to grab her hand after arriving in their quarters, but her fingers slipped through his as she bolted for the bedroom. He sighed and followed closely behind.

Amilia had taken Jordan from Eric's arms and held her tightly before rushing into the bathroom.

"What happened?" Eric asked. Severus just looked at him. Eric nodded, "It was a matter of time, wasn't it?"


"Now what?"

"Be ready to babysit. I will compensate you for your time."

Eric rose from the rocking chair and leaned on his cane, "You do not need to worry about that. Would it be easier if you brought her to me?"

"Is the cottage childproof?" Severus arched an eyebrow at him.

"It can be."

Severus sighed and looked at the bathroom door, "I will keep you updated."

"Right. Well, have fun dealing with that. Let me know if you need anything. Night."

"Yes, goodnight." Severus caught a glimpse of the green flash of the Floo as he crossed the room. "Amilia?" He tried the doorknob; it was locked. He laid his head on the door, "Amilia, open the door."

Silence answered him.

"Amilia, please."

He heard the lock shift, and the door jerked open with him still resting on it. He nearly fell on top of his wife and daughter.

Amilia darted around him, setting Jordan in her bed, and she started tearing through their dressers, pulling out more suitcases, and throwing whatever she could get her hands on in them.

"What are you doing?"

"We have to leave."

"We cannot do that."

"We have to!" Amilia roared as she turned to face him, clutching Jordan's baby blanket to her chest.

"No, love...I am sorry but we cannot."

"We have to!" She repeated.

Jordan started to fuss in her crib, briefly catching Amilia's attention, allowing Severus to step up and wrap his arms around him. "I am so sorry."

"Severus...I can't. I cannot do this."

"I am so sorry." He repeated as he stroked her hair. Amilia crumbled in his arms, weeping.

The weeks dragged on, and spring turned into summer. Amilia had been tasked with overseeing the care of new blood in the ranks of Death Eaters. Glorified babysitting. If this is all I have to do, I suppose it will all be fine.

She glared at the pages before her. So many of the older Slytherins had been approached, and some were already forced into service by their parents; be it out of fear or loyalty was yet to be determined.

She was hardly ever called to meetings, probably because of Severus, but she did learn that Draco had been tasked with fixing a cabinet. Though the purpose of the cabinet had not been revealed to her, her husband still would not tell her. He told her the less she knew, the better, but it did not help for some reason.

Severus had been distant, often keeping to his office and muttering. He barely looked at her but spent more time than usual with their daughter. This annoyed Amilia; she knew he was planning something but could not figure it out.

Knock knock. Amilia looked up from the book before her; Draco stood in her office doorway. "Draco? Is something wrong?"

"I was hoping to spend some time with Jordan today."


He toed the ground, "Yes, I have some free time."

"Of course, she is napping at the moment but maybe she is awake. Let me go check."

Amilia came back up the steps with Jordan in tow. Draco was sitting at her desk, his face was downturned, and his shoulders slumped, almost as if he were sleeping.


He lifted his head; his once bright eyes, now dull in comparison, looked weary. Something was weighing on him.

"Are you sure everything is alright?"

"Yes, nothing you should trouble yourself with." He stood up and straightened his clothes, "I'll take her in there and we can play."

Amilia smiled and handed Jordan to her godfather, "She really likes playing with the quills. Just remove the tip first."

"Quills, huh? Shall I buy you your first quill for your birthday?" Draco smirked at the baby, who grabbed at his hair.

"Have fun." Amilia sat back at her desk and continued working while she heard her daughter and Draco play.



"I have to go."

She looked up, "Alright. Well I hope that you enjoyed yourself."

"I did." Draco handed Jordan to her. "Isn't uncle Severus's class getting out soon?"

Amilia glanced down at her wristwatch, "Yes, he is." She took Jordan from him, "How about we go, surprise daddy, today?"

Draco closed the door behind them, "He will certainly be surprised."

Amilia looked at the boy from the corner of her eye, "What do you mean?"

"Oh nothing." Draco smirked as he led the way to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

Amilia, Draco, and Jordan waited for the students to finish rushing out of the classroom. Severus stepped, as usual, watching to ensure none of the students ran in the corridor. In the dungeons, he did not have to worry as much about that, but here in the main corridor of the castle, it was always very crowded, and students would try to force others out of the way by running or using magic.

The corridor thinned out, the usual suspects staying to watch their interactions. Severus spotted them, giving them all a quick smile before returning the sour look onto his face. Amilia set Jordan on the floor, who remained standing. She expected her daughter to wobble for a few moments and then drop to her hands and knees to crawl to Severus, like usual. However, today, she swayed and flexed her fingers and babbled before lifting her left foot and setting it down in front of her.

Amilia looked at Jordan, stunned, as she started taking those first couple of stumbling steps toward Severus. The students in the hall gasped as they began to encourage her. Jordan babbled more and flapped her hands as she took more steps. Severus was floored, he had crouched down originally to pick her up, but now he stayed there, eyes wide in surprise as he held his arms out for her.

"Draco?" Amilia reached out with her left hand, swatting at the boy, "Did you know about this?"

Draco chuckled, "She took a couple of steps when I was playing with her!"

"What!?" Amilia snapped her head around to look at him.

He shrugged, "Would it have mattered if I had told you before hand? You are experiencing it now."

"I..." Amilia tore her eyes away from him and glued them to her daughter, who was mere inches away from Severus's outstretched arms. She beamed, "No...this is much better."

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