Chapter 136

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Severus drummed his hands on the top of the piano. It had been three hours since he and Amilia were separated at the Ministry.

"You need to calm the hell down." Snapped the Auror, who had his feet up on the sofa.

Severus glared at the wizard out of the corner of his eye, "I will be calm when I know that she is safe."

"I never understood why people get married, it makes everyone forget themselves, and then you lose all self-preservation. Same with kids."

Severus kept watching out the window, "You must be a blast at parties."

"I thrive better at the clubs."

Severus scoffed. He tried to be calm and kept drumming his hands to some unknown beat. Amilia has to return soon. She has to. I cannot be in this house alone. He wondered if the press had backed her into a corner and began pestering her with questions about him and their relationship, bringing back bad memories of their first wedding and hiding their marriage for as long as they did. Or maybe they are asking her about what it was like to be married to a spy.

Severus gave a soft chuckle; someone was likely to take their relationship, make some silly spicy novel, and sell millions. "Perhaps I should suggest that to her."

"Suggest what to who?"

Severus rolled his eyes, "Did the Ministry provide any resources for my family to use while we are imprisoned here?"

The man shrugged.

Severus growled, and then his stomach responded. He was hungry. He did not eat that morning due to his nerves. With a final look, he begrudgingly left the window for the kitchen and opened up his fridge. It was empty, but the cabinets had a few dried goods. It appeared that Amilia had tried to stay for a night and realized she couldn't do it.

He grabbed a package of crackers and stared out the window to the garden. It was untamed, and that irritated him. The least they could have done was hire someone to clean up before sentencing him and his family to be imprisoned here, for god's sake.

Severus heard the familiar crack of someone apparating. Severus dropped the pack of crackers and raced to the front door as it burst open.

Amilia flung herself at him, her arms wrapping around his neck, and her lips crashed against his lips as she planted furious kisses on him.

"Oh, Sev—"

"Hey—" He kissed her back as much as she would allow.

"I'm sor—"

"Shh. It's okay." He held her close as she struggled to wrap her legs around him to keep herself from falling. He stroked her hair as her tears smeared all over his face.

"Alright, you two that is enough." The wizard with Severus said as he tried to pry them apart.

Amilia instantly changed from her desperate lustful approach to instant rage, unlocked her lips from Severus's, and swiped at the wizard with one hand, clawing him across the face.

"What the fuck!"

Amilia untangled herself from her husband and stalked the man through the house, berating and interrogating him. Severus watched the interaction, amused.

"Look! You guys just need to chill and not fuck in front of us alright!" The wizard had his wand pointed at her.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Another man said.

Severus jumped.

"Sorry for my intrusion, but your wife beat me here." The wizard held out his hand, and Severus shook it quickly. "I am her parole officer, Lionel Sharp."

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