Chapter 8

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They apparated to the cottage even though all of her belongings would be gone by now. "You do know that you have access to this place during holiday breaks."

"No, I did not know that," Amilia said, a little flustered. That would have been good to know before I packed up everything. "I just want to go to our quarters."

Severus took her hand, confident that no one would see them in the dark. Together they walked to the castle.

Amilia unlocked her classroom, quickly locking it after Severus entered. He glanced out the window in the hall; staff and ghosts wandered about, chatting and giddy about a new school year. Tomorrow they would have their faculty meeting, and students would be arriving.

"Minerva wants us to join her for breakfast before the meeting."

Severus looked at Amilia, confused; Minerva always spent the morning before the student's arrival locked away in her office. "Why?"

"I do not know."

"Well how do you know she wants us there?"

Amilia held up a tiny scrap of parchment, "This was on the table."

Severus glanced at it, then at the witch, and back at the note. "Are you feeling well?"

"Yes. Why?"

"You look...tired."

"That is because I am. I am tired of the state if the world. I am tired of rewriting my curriculum because each year we have a new professor. I am tired of worrying about Potter. I am just...tired."

Severus took her in his arms, laying his head on her. "Well, tonight you will get plenty of sleep."


"Shall we?" Severus asked.

Amilia led him down the damp stairwell. In her quarters, they found a small basket of sweets and fruit with a note:

Should you need your quarters rearranged, let me know. Perhaps we can remove the wall between your bedrooms.

-Albus Dumbledore

Amilia tossed the note on the table, "Is that really necessary? I quite like having my own space right now."

Severus was offended, "Given how quickly our relationship has progressed and my growing concern for your safety I do not think he is suggesting anything improper."

She sighed, "I did not mean it like that." She flicked her wand, and her trunk opened; the items inside put themselves away.

"Then what did you mean?"

"I simply meant that having my own space is nice, I did not mean to imply that I do not spending time with you."

Severus scowled, "You are lying."

Amilia glared back at him, "You do not have my permission."

"I did not even look!" He snapped, "I can tell by the way you are avoiding looking at me!"

She chewed her cheek, "We are not married! I see no reason to mash our private quarters together!"

Severus growled, "How is that any different than living with me over the summer?"

"That would have been a trial run." Amilia slapped her hand over her mouth.

"What?" His jaw was slack, a trial run? Did you think that we needed it? Or did you think I would slip back to who I was before?

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