Chapter 138

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Amilia and Severus sat on the long benches, bored. They no longer had paperwork to fill out, but the others did.

The boys played nearby, making sounds for their toy cars as they raced under the benches and lamppost. Marcus sat straight back, his eyes wide and anxious.

Severus kept looking at him and trying to hide a smirk.

Amilia elbowed her husband. "Stop it. This is all new to him."

"He looks like he's gawking at a zoo creature."

Amilia glanced at the Muggle, "Perhaps he feels like he is the exhibit."

Severus chuckled next to her but made no move to get up, so she did.

"Marcus?" Amilia said his name softly as she approached him. He looked up at her, absolutely terrified. She gave him a reassuring smile and sat next to him. "What is on your mind?"

"I don't know how you people manage," he waved his hand in front of him, "all of this."

Amilia chuckled, "I suppose a Wizard would feel the same if they lost all their magical ability."

Marcus looked at her, "Would you?"

Amilia tilted her head, thinking. "I suppose I would fair better than most. My parents enrolled my brother and I in Muggle school until it was time for Hogwarts. We interacted with the Muggles quite often, even had a Muggle bank account."

She looked at Severus, "He would acclimate eventually as well. Not being able to brew might kill him though."

"So my children will have the best of both worlds then?"

"Yes, Marcus they will."

"I know it doesn't feel like it right now but she missed you."

Amilia scowled at Marcus, "who?"

"Jordan. For the first few weeks, all she did was cry." He scoffed at the memory, a slight smirk playing with his mouth, "Mama mama mama. That's all we heard. There was a dada in there too, but mama the most."

Amilia looked away, holding her gaze on the fountain with dancing lights. She ached to hear this, but she could feel the pieces of her heart being ground to dust.

"Every night for bed, we would play that little box and she would watch the pictures go by. She knows your love, Amilia, Jordan craves it." Marcus bumped her with his shoulder. "Never once did she call us by anything other than our names. Well rather what ever name she gave us."

"Gave you?"

"Yea." Marcus laughed, "Scott is scoot right now. Brandon is bra. She embarrassed Eric's mother with that one in public."

Amilia laughed, Severus's head snapping up to the sound.

"Kylie is Ky-ee. I have ended up as Marky. I think she thought it would sound better together: Ky-ee and Marky."

"What about Eric?"

"Oh I think you will have to ask them about that one." Marcus said ruefully.

"Oh, I will."

Marcus jumped to his feet when the door nearby opened. Kylie appeared with a small bundle in her arms, Eric behind her with Jordan on his back.

Amikis gave her daughter a small wave, and the little girl buried her face in Eric's back after giving a small smile.

"You lot have to come inside now."

"Why?" Marcus asked.

"They won't let us leave until guardianship is proper."

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