Chapter 115

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Amilia cringed as she walked past the Great Hall in the evening; she could hear the screams of students and the sobs of others. For a Monday, there were a lot of students who had gotten in trouble.

The Carrow twins had taken it upon themselves to force older students to use the Cruciatius Curse on those who received a demerit or detention, and the students who refused would then have the curse used on them. Amilia was fortunate enough not to have to be involved in that, probably because her husband is the Headmaster, though she knew the Carrow's spoke about her often. They wondered about her loyalty to the cause; in truth, Amilia felt her commitment to her husband was beginning to waver. All she ever saw was him being cruel and talking to Death Eaters.

Damn, Death Eaters. Amilia paused outside her classroom; several faces looked into it from the exterior windows. She recognized some of them from the meetings at Malfoy Manor. Since that fateful day when Severus's office was broken into, more Death Eaters were brought in to patrol the grounds and Hogsmead and maintain 'order.' However, things kept cropping up, such as graffiti in the halls and food exploding in Death Eaters' faces. Ginny Weasley had been banned from making Hogsmead trips, and Severus had banned small group activities and meetings; this made getting students together for tutoring difficult, and Amilia had yet to have a chance to discuss that with him.

The faces removed themselves from her windows, and Amilia entered her classroom. She had nothing to do but did not want to be in view of anyone either. She plopped in her chair and put her feet on her desk, "I hate this."

"Well, if you hate the quiet so much then why not patrol the halls."

"I would rather die." She put her feet on the floor and stared at her husband, "What do you want?"

"Still having an attitude I see." Severus grumbled.

Amilia glared at him, "What do you need Headmaster?"

Severus sighed, "keep this weekend free."

"Excuse me?"

"Just do it." Severus snapped as he turned away.

"Oh, of course, right away, sir!" Amilia mocked after he was far enough away, "You know for a damn fact my weekends are always free." She crossed her arms over her chest before pulling out a calendar. "This weekend, what is this weekend?" Her eyes scanned the numbers in the little boxes, and she briefly paused on the little blurb 'my birthday' in the middle of the week. "

Severus stalked back to his office, and students practically dove out of his way. She is still angry with me. He whispered the password and rushed up the stone staircase, skipping steps with each stride. Taking her out to dinner is not enough; I need something bigger.

Severus paced for several minutes, trying to get an idea of what to do. She could not stand to be around him for very long, often going to bed early and keeping her sentences short. They fought all the time about the travesties occurring against the students, and no matter how many times he tried to tell her he did not wish for this...she never seemed to listen. All she cared about was her point of view being heard, making it hard for him even to want to start a conversation with her.

It drove him crazy but also killed him; things looked like they were getting better over the summer despite his actions at the end of the last school year. He leaned against his desk, his knuckles turning white with the pressure he applied. "What else can I do?!" He swiped his hands across the desk, scattering quills and scrolls all over the floor.

Frustrated, he bent over to pick up the items when he spied the little box he had hidden under one of the shelves. He checked over his shoulder to ensure his wife had not snuck in. He grabbed the box and opened it up; inside sat the bracelet that Amilia used to communicate with her friends. Guilt twisted his stomach into knots, he did not want to take this, but he needed to ensure she could not contact Kylie; that way, Jordan remained safe.

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