Chapter 124

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In the dungeon's prisons, Amilia stood at the door. She gave it a good jerk to see if it was loose at all, which it was not.

"Why did he put us in here?" A young student whined.

"Because Argus Filch is a blasted idiot." Amilia snapped, causing some of the students to flinch. Amilia felt a sharp pain in her chest, they were scared and looking to her for comfort and support, and her agitation would not help. 

Amilia took a few deep breaths, guiding some of the younger students to do it with her.

"McGonagall wouldn't have really sent us here, would she?"

Amilia shook her head, "No, I do not think so. She was going to evacuate everyone before all of that happened." She glared at Pansy, who shrank back a few paces.

"So what do we do now?"

Amilia shook her head, "I do not know."

"How can you not know!? You are our Head of House!"

"Give me a minute to think!" Amilia snapped again. She rested her head against the cold bars, recalling Minerva's look when she sent them away.

I highly doubt she meant for us to come into these disgusting prisons. How did she intend to have students evacuated? What can I do to save these children?

Amilia put one of her arms through the bars and tried to fiddle with the lock to see if it would disintegrate in her hands with age, but alas, she was unsuccessful. "Alohamora." She mumbled. Nothing happened.

"Why did that not work?" Draco stood next to her.

"You ought to wear a bell." Amilia grumbled.

Draco scoffed, "A bell would not save any of us right now."

Amilia laid her head against the bars, "I assume there is an anti-magic spell surrounding the cells. Do you know of anything to get us out of that?"

"Not at all," Draco said, "why?"

"Well, last year you fixed the Vanishing Cabinet, I assumed you may have come across something during your hours of research."

A muffled boom echoed down the dimly lit corridor, and dust shook off the low ceiling. Amilia raised her eyes to it and watched the particles fall before her face. "Everyone, stay away from the walls if you can."

"Has it been an hour already?" Draco asked nervously.

"Are you scared, Draco?" Amilia inquired, her eyes back to him. He looked shaken up and would likely not admit it, but he gave her a slight nod. "Right," Amilia pulled her hands back into the cells and clapped, "Prefects, to me, please!"

"You want us to what?"

Amilia rolled her eyes, "As soon as I find some way out of this musty cell, I want all of you to take the first to fifth years to the common room. In there, you will find a portrait with a stairwell behind it that will lead you to my private quarters. Do not go snooping; I will know." She glared at some boys, "Light the fireplace and use the Floo, the pot is on the mantle, to take the children to the Leaky Cauldron."

"The Leaky Cauldron? That blasted good for nothing place?"

Amilia glared at the young witch, "I expect," she snarled, "one of you to go ahead of the children. You will tell the bartender, Tom, that I have sent you all. He will take good care of you." 

"Professor, would it not be better if we just stayed here? It is not like the Death Eaters will hurt us."

Amilia scowled and stepped away. She pulled a small crate from the wall and stood on it, clapping her hands. "I have a game plan." All eyes were on her as she explained how she would evacuate the students.

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