Chapter 107

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Severus paced anxiously at his home. He had done everything necessary to please the Dark Lord, but nothing was enough. The Dark Lord desired to have Harry in his grasp immediately, but now that the papers had gotten the whole story, Severus could no longer be seen in Wizard public without some scrutiny. Even the letters he had sent Poppy and Minerva went unanswered, even the ones about Amilia.

What of my wife, my lord? She is still at the castle.

Well, perhaps she should have had the brains to leave with you.

It was essential to your plans that she be kept in the dark, once less person to risk my exposure as your spy.

Hahaha, yes, that much is true. Do you fear for her, Severus?

I fear she feels abandoned and surrounded by those who view her as the enemy, even if they are right.

So, yes. Hmm, I wonder if they have tortured her yet. The Ministry is above such perversions, but they are getting desperate. No matter, the Ministry will soon be under our control.

Severus bit his lip as he remembered that conversation; the Dark Lord did not care about Amilia. They were only pawns in his chess game; he had just taken out the queen and believed that nothing was left to protect the king. But he was wrong; Severus still had a job to do. He may not be allowed in the Order anymore, but he could still influence things in their favor. Amilia could wait one more day.

Amilia stared at the gems that hung in the air over her bed. Our bed. No, my bed. He left me again. She rolled over and stared at the crib. Poppy had been kind enough to give Amilia what she needed to dry her milk. The Matron did not see a point in watching her suffer despite what her husband had done, but that was the end of their interactions. Once the students went home, Amilia saw no point in going to the Great Hall for meals.

She felt empty, just like the rooms she had confined herself to. She thought that if she did not do it, someone else would. Briefly, Amilia had inquired about a cottage in the village, but the response was not so kind. She did not blame the landlady, who would want to provide a home to the person married to the man who killed Dumbledore.

She had even toyed with going to Kylie's home; she knew all the defenses her friends would have put up, even where the spare key was kept. However, she quickly dashed that idea against the rocks because if she went there, and the Death Eaters came looking for her, they would learn that a Pureblood and her Half-blood children had fled the country, if they did not already know, and that would put Jordan in danger. All of them. Marcus would indeed be killed. Eric would be as well to make a point. Wait, Amilia scowled; Eric is a Pure-blood. They would not want to waste that, or would they? He is American, after all. Her scowl deepened as she pondered the possibilities of what would happen to her friend.

Amilia rolled back onto her back, the gems glittering in the firelight. "I am bored. I am alone."


Amilia jerked up, frantically looking for her wand.

"Sorry Miss."

Amilia clenched her fingers into a fist as she stared at the House-elf. "What do you want?"

"The Headmistress is inquiring if you will be joining her and the Matron for tea this afternoon."


The House-elf just continued to stare at her.

"Umm, maybe. Just tell them I will think about it."

With a nod, the House-elf was gone.

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