Chapter 92

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Halloween had come and gone in the following weeks of Bell getting cursed. Severus and Amilia had dressed little Jordan up as a witch. She wore a little black dress with a small sash that Dumbledore knitted saying Hogwarts Youngest Witch and a tiny witch's cap on a headband. Many students had left little treats for her outside Amilia's classroom; some were small books that could be read to her, and others were candies. Severus and Amilia kept the sweets for themselves, seeing as Jordan did not have teeth yet, and she was only starting to roll over with complaints.

Unfortunately, there were no updates as to Bell's condition. She lay there comatose in the hospital wing; Severus would periodically check on her to ensure the curse was not spreading until she had been transferred to St. Mungo's. After that, it was no longer his nor Poppy's concern, but he would ask for updates as the days progressed.

Severus had been given the weekend off for the first quidditch match of the year. He guided Amilia up the steps of the staff stands and made sure she was sitting away from any of the edges. Amilia clung to Jordan as she looked around the stands wide-eyed. Jordan protested to the wind in her face, but the staff absolutely loved seeing her out and about and hardly watched the match.

"Such a doll!"

"She will be a seeker for sure, watch her stare at the flags!"

Severus watched Amilia give a small smile, unsure of how she felt about her only child flying around on a broom, forcing herself to be high up in the air supporting her. He kept his comments to himself; he knew that if Jordan took that interest, Amilia would be at every match, but she would require plenty of potions to settle her nerves and stomach. It took everything he had to ensure she did not drink his entire stock that day.

Afterward, they waited until the Gryffindor students had left the area before working their way back to the castle. Jordan slept peacefully in Severus's arms as they worked against the wind. He looked over at his wife, the fear of the heights finally fading away, and she smiled as the wind whipped her hair.

A few weeks later, Amilia shuffled about their quarters in her nightgown. It was her birthday; Jordan was finally asleep after splashing bathwater over the floor.

Severus emerged from the bathroom with a towel. "No slipping for us tonight."

"Wonderful." Amilia chuckled, recalling the purple frosting all over their daughter's face, arms, and black hair, "Who would have thought a small piece of cake would have made such a mess?"

Severus laughed and shrugged, "I wonder the same; she can make a mess of things now can't she?"

Amilia sat down, shoving cards and gift wrap onto the floor, "I know this was not the day that you had planned but it was wonderful nonetheless."

"Yes, Mondays are the worst, but today was pleasant." Severus sat down next to her, draping an arm over the back of the sofa.

Amilia sighed and laid her head on his shoulder, "Or perhaps, the idea of giving you a hard time on your wife's birthday terrifies them."

"That or the idea of you having a bad birthday terrifies them more."

Amilia glanced up at him with a snort. "I doubt that I'm anything that terrifying."

Severus tipped her chin with two fingers, "Oh but you are love." He leaned in and kissed her gently. "Happy birthday my darling."

"Hmmm, thank you," Amilia mumbled against his lips.

"How would you like to spend the rest of the night?" Severus lowered his voice, causing a shiver to race up Amilia's spine.

"I am content right here."

"Oh really?"

Amilia sighed and laid her head back. Severus gently placed his lips against her jaw, planting kisses as he mumbled little words of love.

"You are not making it easy to relax." Desire raged in her, but at the same time, the call for sleep was strong.

"Is that so?" He growled in her ear as he dragged his fingertips over her arm.

Amilia just gave him a sharp look before resituating herself on the sofa. Severus grabbed her hips, putting her on his lap, facing him. "You are as beautiful as ever." He brushed her hair out of her face.

"I am in my nightgown with my hair in a right mess." Amilia had let it grow a little after the Ritchie incident but ultimately decided to keep it shorter. It reminded her of how close she came to losing Severus and Jordan and how much strength and courage it took to face someone so vile and survive.

Severus smiled at her, "You could be covered in hippogriff dung and I will still want you."

Amilia chuckled, and he buried his face in her neck, nibbling. She sighed, "I do not want to wake her."

"I will be quiet."

"We both know I cannot be."

Severus's lustful eyes stared into hers, "I think it will be fine if we stay out here." He squeezed her ass and ground against her.

Amilia bit her lip, "You my dear are..."

"Shhh." Severus kissed her, allowing his hands to roam her body before they began to tear off each other's clothes.

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