Chapter 19

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Amilia spent the following weekend pacing her quarters and fretting. She pulled out the bracelet used to communicate with her friends and told them about the inspection.

What are the inspections actually for? That sounds like an overreach of Ministry authority.

She asked if she could see your quarters and then basically eavesdropped when you told her off!? This woman sounds like she is on a power trip!

No one can tell you who or where you can sleep with someone! Trust me, I know! Amilia had to pause at this one; she had forgotten that Anthony and Aaron's relationship was still stigmatized in both the Muggle and Wizarding World.

Be careful; things at the Ministry are getting crazy because Fudge thinks Dumbledore is out to get him. If I were you, I would try not to step on Umbridge's toes as much as possible; she might get you landed in Azkaban for having been a Death Eater if she thinks you will undermine her or Fudge.

Kylie was right about how unstable Umbridge seemed and how she punished Harry each time he spoke about Voldemort. Amilia was sure that woman would try something like that. She reassured her friends that she was trying her best to stay out of the woman's way, but Umbridge made it difficult.

Severus walked into Amilia's quarters and found her pacing and scratching at a bracelet on her arm. "What are you doing?"

Amilia jumped and dropped the quill, "Son of a bitch Severus! Knock next time!"

"I did."

"Oh." Amilia grabbed the quill from the floor and looked at the bracelet. She started writing again.

"What is that?"

She looked at him, "A way to communicate with my friends without anyone going through it."

Severus walked over and grabbed her arm, inspecting the bracelet, and took the quill. He quickly wrote on it; Good afternoon; I hope you are all doing well, but I will take Amilia now. Today is her birthday, after all. He watched earnestly as writing started to appear.

Good afternoon, Professor Snape! I need a new notebook if you don' mind.

We are fine.

Severus, you had better be treating our girl properly. I will not hesitate to flee the country if you hurt her again.-Ky

Severus's eyes flicked to Amilia's as she blushed momentarily. "They still have their reservations. Give them time."

Words appeared again, and they both looked; Amilia, have a wonderful birthday! I think I speak for all of us when we say we love you!

Amilia grinned, took the quill, and returned it with the others. "How was your morning?"

Severus crossed his arms over his chest, "No, we are not going to do that right now. I have questions." Amilia turned her back to him. "Where did they get the bracelet? How long have you had it?"

"Severus, it is not that big of a deal."

"Yes, it is!" Severus walked up to her and ensured he was in her line of sight, "Did you even ask these things when they gave it to you?"

"Honestly, Severus, Alice uses it too! Do you think she would use something if she suspected it was made with dark magic?" Amilia snapped. She inhaled deeply and exhaled, trying to calm herself, "I have had it since I saw them over the summer and no I do not know where they got it from but I trust them."

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