Chapter 41

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Amilia sat on her sofa, her knees to her chest as she waited and thought about what had happened that night. She was angry, no, not angry, furious. She felt she was being thrown away, that she and the baby did not matter. Eric seemed shocked to hear what Severus had to say, so was everyone else...except Dumbledore. Amilia glared at the slowly dying fire, "Dumbledore, of course."

Dumbledore had walked back with Amilia; he was silent except for pointing to a few winter creatures. You went along with his fear. Why? Am I that much of a distraction to him?

Her scowl deepened, "Severus is a grown ass man, he can handle himself. Just like I can. Sending me away, what are you thinking?"

"I was thinking of your safety."

Amilia jumped off the couch, her wand in her hand, "Severus! Do not do that again!"

"You left your classroom unlocked, along with your office." Severus jerked his thumb at the staircase behind him.

"Oh." Amilia lowered her wand, "I am going to go to bed now that you are back. Good night."

"You need to pack."

"No, I do not."

Severus grabbed her arm, "Yes, you are."

Amilia stared up into his face; she could see the fear in his eyes. "I am going to bed." She jerked her arm out of his hand.

"Amilia!" He lunged forward and grabbed both of her arms, "Stop this nonsense right now. You are going to pack and you are going with Eric."

"Let. Me. Go."

"He was there!"


Severus stared at her, "He was there."

"Why would Ritchie be there?" Amilia wiggled free of his grasp.

"I do not know! All I know is that he is deluded into thinking that you love him."

"You are lying!" She hissed, "You are just saying this to get me to leave! I do not want to leave!"

Severus ran ahead and blocked her way into her bed-chamber, "Do it."

"Do what?"

"Ask me the fucking question." He stared into her eyes, pleading with her.

Amilia stared back, angry, hurt, and confused. "You hate when I do that."

"It is the only way for you to know that I am not lying." Severus sucked in a breath, bracing for the pull of her magic.

"Get out of my way. I am going to bed." Amilia shoved him with both of her hands. Severus stumbled back and out of her way. She slammed the door in his face.

"Please." Severus laid his head on the door; Amilia could hear the soft weeping from the other side.

Severus sat at the head table at lunch; Amilia had not shown up for breakfast, and it looked like she would not appear at lunch either. This bothered him. She knew that he was not lying. Otherwise, he would not have asked her to use her gift on himself. He scowled; she had every right to be angry with him; however, he only wanted what was best for her and their child. Going to the United States is best; she has to go.

"Trouble Severus?"

He looked to his left; Umbridge smiled at him over a teacup, "Why do you think that Delores?"

"Mister Malfoy said he saw you and Professor Hubbard going to Hogsmead, however, Filch said that she returned to the castle with Albus."

"What are you getting at?" Severus snarled.

"I think you have lied to me. Both of you actually. I do not like being lied to." Umbridge glared at Severus.

"No one has been lying to you."

"I beg to differ, after seeing the Daily Prophet you both took the day off. Her, I can understand, a boy who attacked her escaped Azkaban, but you? I do not understand one bit unless there is a secret relationship happening."

Severus looked away from her as Dumbledore approached, "Again, Delores I ask that you do not badger my employees. I asked Professor Snape to stay with Amilia given the circumstances."

"But, but! That is not acceptable!"

Dumbledore silenced her with his hand, "That is enough."

Severus rose from his chair and left the Great Hall, searching for Amilia.

Amilia sat in her office, pouring over a relatively thick book. She was irritated and felt sick to her stomach due to hunger, but she did not want to see him. If he wanted her gone, she would stay away from him. Minerva and Poppy thought that she was overreacting, that he was thinking of what was best, even if they disagreed with it. Neither of them wanted her to leave, but even they were concerned for her safety; Amilia could not always stay within the castle walls.

She heard his robes swishing as he rushed through her classroom, "Amilia."

She looked up from the book and slammed the heavy cover down with great effort, rose from her chair, and entered her quarters.


She continued to ignore him even though she knew he would follow her.

"Please stop!"

Amilia grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl on her small table, peeled it, and looked dead in the eyes as she took a giant bite out of it and chewed. She saw the uncomfortable look cross his face.

"I need you to pack, please."

"Why?" Amilia said as she took another vicious bite.

Severus grimaced, "I want you both safe."

"I am not leaving."


"This is my home!" Amilia threw the peel into the fire, "I have a job, a life here! You are here! Am I that much of a burden!?"

"No, of course not!" Severus crossed the space between them and wrapped her in his arms, "I am willing to miss out on everything until that prat is captured and taken back to Azkaban."

"I however am not!" Amilia snapped. "Let go of me. I am angry with you."

"I know," He held her tighter, "but I cannot lose you."

Amilia softened even though the fire of anger raged within her. "Just, let me go."

Severus released her, "This conversation is not over."

"Yes, it is." She threw him a warning glance before leaving her quarters, leaving Severus there.

This is absolute nonsense; just because Ritchie has escaped does not mean I must flee the country. Amilia entered her classroom; it was empty; of course, she did not have any afternoon classes on Wednesdays, which left her open to tutoring more students if they so desired. However, her afternoon was clear. She took this time to clean, scrubbing her tables, scooping out some of the soot from the fireplace, and setting it aside for a House-elf to collect later.

She wandered back into her office, the book of spells on her desk calling her name. Amilia sighed heavily as she organized some of her papers when she heard shuffling behind her. With a glance over her shoulder, she saw a student. "If you need tutoring, please make sure you sign up, however you are in luck today."

"No, I don't need tutoring."

Amilia turned around, "Neville? What is wrong?" She saw that his eyes were bloodshot.

"You saw the paper, right?"

"Of course."

Neville sniffled, "I am scared."

Amilia's heart broke when the tears started to fall down his cheeks, "Oh, Neville," She embraced him as he cried, "I understand your fear, I am scared as well." Amilia just held him as he wept.

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