Chapter 101

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Later that day, after fielding questions about Jordan and Draco from students and teachers, Amilia could finally retreat to the privacy of their quarters. The clouds outside the windows matched her mood, dark and melancholic. Usually, she would assist Professor Flitwick with the choir for their end-of-the-year concert. However, the Charms Professor let her go since this was her first time without Jordan, and Poppy might need her for Draco's care.

Draco. Amilia scowled; how could your mother let you fall into the Dark Lord's hands? She shook her head; that was uncalled for. Amilia knew all too well what a mother would do to protect her child. Knowing she would be killed, her mother defied Voldemort to save her children. Amilia just let her daughter slip through her fingers and fly off to another country...another continent.

Her heart sank, and her chest tightened. She had been fighting the tears all day, and now in the privacy of her rooms, she let them flow. She wept as she boxed up all of the toys in the sitting room, they were no longer needed, and neither she nor Severus had any reason to continue tripping over them. She set them in a corner, waiting for Jordan's return.

In their bedroom, Amilia stared at the crib. Just last night, she laid Jordan down to sleep after feeding her. Jordan had shown no interest in completely weaning at this time, which was fine with Amilia; she was enjoying the special time she got with her daughter right after waking up and before bed, but now those moments were gone. The chair in front of the window would sit empty until her return, with no soft songs to be sung and snuggles to be had. The only thing Amilia had remaining now was the pain of engorgement; she had to sneak off to her quarters to express her milk to relieve the pain. The thought had crossed her mind to go to Poppy to get a potion to dry up her milk, but right now, everyone believed that Jordan would only be gone for a little while, but the time would come, eventually.

Amilia began cleaning this room too. She picked up the clothes that Severus had thrown around. As she did this, she let the tears flow, and eventually, she had to stop. She sat in the window clutching one of the stuffed animals left behind as she sobbed, her anguished cries bouncing off the stone walls encouraging her to keep going.

Severus entered their quarters. It looked tidy, but he could not see afternoon tea or his wife. He had looked forward to seeing her, but today was hard for him, knowing that his daughter was likely wherever Eric and Kylie's family were by now. Eric had assured him that Jordan would be safe and loved. That she would want for nothing while they were separated, but Severus knew that did nothing to make Amilia feel any better.

He opened the bedroom door, hoping to see her taking a nap, but instead, he found her sitting on the window seat, a stuffed animal and photo frame clutched to her chest. She didn't turn to look at him; it almost seemed as if she did not notice his entrance, which concerned him.



He took a couple of steps closer and peered over her shoulder to see what she was looking at, and he could see nothing but dark clouds looming over them.


She did not answer him.

Severus sighed and placed his hand on her shoulder. Her eyes drifted from the world outside to his hand as she blinked slowly. " need to know..."

"Is she coming back soon?"

He shook his head.

"Then I do not want to hear it." She turned her eyes back to the grey world outside the window. He did not have to peer into her thoughts to know she was in pain.

"Something is going to happen tonight. Here, at Hogwarts. Whatever you hear or see, stay out of the way."

Amilia cocked her head to the side, curious. "Why?"

"Just...please. I need you to stay safe."

"Safe?" Amilia scoffed, her tone biting. "I would have been safe with my daughter."

Severus stood behind her silently. It killed him, missing his daughter and his wife's anger toward him. He had not anticipated Voldemort forcing her service return when he did. He had hoped they both would have witnessed their daughter's first birthday, and then he would send them away. He wanted to be there for that since he had missed her birth.

He probably would have been punished by the Dark Lord, but he could have made some excuse to protect the future that his master desired. The Dark Lord would have probably tortured him for a little while as punishment, but eventually, he would have relented to allow Severus to return to school in time for the next phase.

"Go do whatever you have to do." Amilia said sourly.

Severus leaned down, attempting to kiss the top of her head, but she shifted away from his touch. It was a cold and harsh move that she made, and he tried not to hold it against her, but it appeared that just as she did not see his pain when she returned, she would not see his pain now.

Severus watched as night fell from his office; the same gloomy atmosphere stared back at him. Silently he said a prayer, hoping his daughter and her new guardians made it to America safely, and he hoped his wife headed his warning and she stayed put in their quarters. But he knew better; she would have volunteered to do some patrols to keep the students inside after curfew. She may even be in her office trying to get ahead of everything to keep her thoughts as silent as possible.

As he stood there, contemplating every action he had taken that led him to this moment, he could hear the commotion of the Death Eaters in the castle. A slow rage filled him as his home was invaded, but he pushed it down. He had a job to do.

Severus grabbed his wand and followed the noise up to the Astronomy tower. Of course, it would be here, we got married here, and now the war begins at the same place.

Severus crept forward, spying on Draco on the upper level with his wand pointed at Albus Dumbledore. He was alone at first, and then he could hear Bellatrix screaming at him. Come on, Draco. He knew the boy did not want to do it. Hell, even Severus did not want to complete the task but hoped his godson would save him the trouble. He glared at his hand for a moment, the Unbreakable Vow; perhaps he should defy it and run. Take his wife and fled, seeking refuge status with the Americans. He shook his head, no, we would not even make it out of the country, and our daughter would surely be an orphan of war then.

Slowly he took a few more steps towards the final staircase when he spotted Potter. What are you doing here?

Harry Potter turned and stared at him, his wand drawn. Severus pressed a finger to his thin lips and gave a stern look. He went up the stairs and with a final glance to ensure Harry stayed there, stepped into the night behind Draco.

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