Chapter 12

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Later that week, Amilia was cleaning her table, a second-year had spilled their potion ingredients all over it, and it had begun to eat through the wood. The poor girl was frightened that Amilia would react like Severus, but the calm tone that Amilia had helped her relax. "It is not that big of a deal but do you understand now why Professor Snape was so angry?"

The student nodded furiously, begging to help.

Amilia shook her head, "I have this taken care of. I suggest, since you are lefthanded, to take a seat on the left of the table and lining your ingredients at the corner so that you do not knock them over." She sent the girl on her way.

She shook her head as she packed items away, It is only the first week, and you have already traumatized a student. That must be a record. She glanced out the window; the sun was a bright ball in the sky, hanging low over the grounds, graciously giving students and staff plenty of time to enjoy the last weeks of summer. I know that you have a reputation but lighten up a bit.

Amilia went out into the hall, showing the open slots for tutoring for the next week on the little board, when she saw Hermione storm past her, dropping or more like throwing a book on the ground. Amilia scooped it up and called after the young witch.

Hermione stalked back to her, "Yes Professor Hubbard?"

"I am not sure what has soured your mood, but be careful with how you treat your textbooks." Amilia handed it back to her.

"Yes thank you."

Amilia tilted her head, "is there something bothering you?"

Hermione looked down the hall and scowled, "No."

Amilia followed her gaze; Umbridge stood by the staircases, watching the students. "Come inside."

Hermione followed her. Amilia closed the door and beckoned her to come to the office, where she closed the door too.

Hermione took the seat and dropped her back, "That woman!"

"What about her?" Amilia sat down.

"Her methods! Ministry this and Ministry that. We have not practiced a single defensive spell!"

"I know."

"And Harry! His detentions...she she." Hermione stopped speaking, anger and confusion fighting in her eyes.

"What about his detention?"

"Nothing...she is just vile."

"I agree with you there."

Hermione looked at her, "You do?"

"Yes." Amilia said, "Several professors do but there is nothing we can do without the Ministry getting further involved."

"Could you teach us the defensive spells or let us practice under your supervision?"

"I..." Amilia was shocked, "cannot. I have already gone to Dumbledore."

"I see." Hermione stood up and grabbed her things. "I am keeping your secret by the way."

"What secret?"

"Your relationship with Professor Snape."

Amilia blanched; her mouth felt dry. "I am surprised."

"That i know?"

Amilia shook her head.

"You really think I would tell the school?" Hermione asked, offended.

Amilia looked away, a lite ashamed, "No but I had hoped, he on the other hand."

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