Chapter 30

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Severus stared at the words: Let's get married. "What?" He felt his heart clench in fear, but at the same time, it felt as light as a feather. Quickly, he wrote back to Amilia and charmed the letter before sending it back with Edgar. Then, Severus began to pace his bedroom; he had not anticipated this. Though everything thus far has not been expected, he had rather hoped they would have gotten married first before having a child together, but that was clearly not the case. What if she only wants to get married because she is pregnant?

Severus stopped, "No. No, I will not do that if that is the only reason." He began to pace again; I want her to marry me because she wants to, not because she feels obligated.

Amilia was napping when Edgar returned; he stood on her back and chattered at her until she grabbed the note. Groggily, Amilia opened the scroll, muttered that little spell, and waited for the words to appear: meet me at the castle tomorrow.

"Why?" Amilia sighed and tossed it aside before snuggling back into her pillows. Do you want to get married on your birthday? Certainly, an odd day to do it. We would have to choose which one to celebrate.

The next day, Severus took the Floo Network to his office, where he paced even more until he heard shuffling on the other side of the passageway. He paused to watch it dissolve in a flurry of glitter. Amilia stepped through and smiled brightly at him.

"How are you feeling today?"

"I am not nasusous if that is what you are asking."

Severus nodded, "You do not have to feel obligated to get married just because you are pregnant." He blurted the words out. His chest felt lighter, but the pit of his stomach deepened.

"What?" Amilia was taken back, not in a pleasantly surprised manner but confused.

"Well, I assume that is why you sent the letter."

She scoffed and sat down near the fireplace, warming her hands. "No, it is not. I sent it because it is genuine."


Amilia flashed her left hand, the dainty ring glittering in the light. "I was thinking about it for some time before we even found out about the baby." She looked at him, "We do not know what the future holds and I would rather not wait any longer."

Severus stood there quietly, "I will not be able to wear a ring."

"We can charm it to be invisible."

Severus shook his head as he sat beside her, "No, that would not work. The Dark Lord has spells up to prevent hidden items."

Amilia looked at him sadly, "Oh, well what about when you are at home or at the castle?"

"Home? You know that Peter is there."

"I meant home with me."

He sighed, "I wish I could but I am very likely to forget to take it off."

Amilia sat back and pouted, "Fine."

"However, we could do one for the ceremony." Severus chirped, hoping that would brighten her spirits.

"What ceremony? We will not be able to have one because that vile man is back."

Severus scowled, "I think there is something private that we could work out."

Amilia huffed and pulled her legs into the seat of the chair, resting her chin on her knees. "What do you want to do today?"


"It is your birthday."

"Oh," Severus stood up, "give me a moment to decide. I will be right back."

Amilia did not answer; she just turned her eyes back to the fireplace.

Severus entered Dumbledore's office; as usual, he was greeted by the phoenix perched on a bronze pedestal. "Headmaster, I would like a word."

"If it is about your upcoming addition to your bloodline, I already know." Dumbledore appeared on the landing above his desk.

"I knew she was coming to tell you."

Dumbledore walked down the stairs, "Then what is it?"

"Is their safety garunteed?"

"As promised. An infant will be trickier but Amilia said that she will have safeguards for the child as well."

Severus scowled, Amilia had told him no such things, but then again, she probably did not do it for a good reason if he was ever compromised. "Even if we were married?"

Dumbledore's fingers grazed the top of his desk as he sat down, "Married?"


"Hypothetically speaking, why would that be a concern?"

Severus straightened his back, "If that were to happen, it would need to be reported to the Ministry."

Dumbledore scratched his chin, "Yes and no. You see, the Ministry does keep record of all marriages, however, there are the ones that slip through their fingers or are never reported. There are the select few, viewed as arranged marriages, where a contract is drafted and signed by both of the parties, if they are of age, or their parents along with two witnesses."

Severus shifted his weight, "I would like to know more about the last one, for hypothetical purposes."

"Well, arranged marriages were more for those of Pure-blood, I believe Narcissa and Lucius were an arranged marriage. The original contract was signed by their parents, then they signed it, and when it was appropriate they contract was turned into the Ministry."

"I see."

"I do believe I could draft up a hypothetical contract for you to look over." Dumbledore's eyes twinkled behind his spectacles.

"I would be interested in seeing this." Severus turned around, ready to leave the office and give the information to Amilia.

"Severus, if this is something that would no longer be hypothetical, we would have to act quickly, before Umbridge makes her return."

Severus groaned, "I understand."

"As late as Monday before classes start I would say."

Severus looked over his shoulder, "That would be too difficult. We have a small meeting with the Order on Saturday, if Amilia is up for this hypothetical option, we could do it then. Of course I need to speak with her first."

"Naturally." Dumbledore rummaged through his desk drawers, "Would you want the same witnesses as last time?"

"They would keep a secret better than anyone else that I know." Severus said quickly as he dashed for the door.

Upon his return to his office, he told Amilia everything he had learned.

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