Chapter 6

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Amilia sat alone in a large restaurant; her friends ran a little late. Kylie had to wait for the babysitter, and the boys were stuck in traffic; they had decided to ride in a cab through the city.

"Can I get you anything to drink?"

Amilia looked at the waiter. "Tea please and some honey." With a quick nod, the waiter rushed away to the kitchens. Amilia looked out the window, dark clouds started moving in, and the breeze slowly picked up. I hope you are safe—all of you.

Someone dropping in that chair next to her brought her back to reality. Kylie huffed and tossed her purse under the table. "I swear if it rains all weekend I am going to set something on fire."

Amilia grinned, "I might help you."

"Good. We should come up with an alibi."

"An alibi for what?" Anthony asked as he and Aaron sat down.

"Nothing." The girls giggled.

Aaron placed a couple of small boxes on the table, "Alice says she can make it. She will be here shortly, she has hears already. We got you all these."

Amilia and Kylie reached forward, taking the small wooden boxes in their hands.

"Ah, I see everyone had arrived! Here is your tea," the waiter set down the teacup, "What can I get for everyone else?"

The other four at the table ordered drinks and snacks. Amilia and Kylie looked at the boxes; inside, they found a bracelet with a glass-like stone in the center. "This is beautiful, thank you."

"They are um well to keep in touch."

Kylie's eyebrows squeezed together, "What for?"

The men looked at each other, "We just want to keep in touch. You can use a quill or even your finger to write on the glass and we all will see it."

Amilia pursed her lips. "What has prompted this?"

Anthony shifted in his seat and nibbled on his cookies. Aaron looked out the window, his mouth barely moving, "We have heard rumors."

"They are not rumors!" Anthony hissed.

Immediately Amilia knew what this was about. In her heart, she could feel immense grief. She opened her mouth to speak, but Kylie got the words in first. "What rumors?"

"He's back."

Kylie rolled her eyes, "Oh please. If he was back, the Ministry would have told us."

Anthony looked at her and then at Amilia. "Olivader has it on good authority that the Dark Lord has returned."

The waiter returned, checking on them; Amilia waved him away.

"What authority? Dumbledore?" Kylie sneered.

"Actually yes."

Amilia sat quietly, adjusting the bracelet to fit her wrist. Kylie ranted about Dumbledore and how he had lost his touch. She turned to look at Amilia, expecting her to back her up.

Amilia looked down, her head pounding as hard as her heart. "Kylie..."

"Hello everyone!" Alice swooped in and grabbed a little sandwich. "Why the angry and sad faces?"

"Anthony here was telling us how he thinks Voldemort is back." Kylie snapped, "and Amilia was about to agree with me that Dumbledore is off his rocker."

All eyes turned to Amilia. Everyone expected them to agree with her, except for Alice.

Amilia looked at her hands. "They are right Kylie."

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