Chapter 39

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Severus appeared at the Riddle House, his mask snug on his face and his hood drawn. He stood at the dining room door, listening to the rustling of robes and small talk as he drew a deep breath, hardening himself and clearing his mind. He placed one hand on the door and shoved it open. The door swung open and slammed on the wall as he strutted in, his robes billowing behind him.

The eyes of the masks followed Severus as he took his seat. There were many more there than the last time; the breakout from Azkaban must have either threatened more to return, or they knew that there was no stopping them now that they had escaped.

Voldemort glided into the room, Nagini slithering by his side, "Good evening, take your seats."

Chairs slid across the floor; some people, primarily sympathizers or supporters, stood behind others, as Narcissa did with her husband.

"Remove your masks." Voldemort commanded as he sat at the seat in front of the fireplace.

Slowly, from the far end of the table, masks were removed. Finally, it was Severus's turn, and across the table from him sat Bellatrix. "Hello Severus."

"Bella." Severus drawled; he eyed her; her hair, still curly was almost lifeless, and her dark eyes had sunk in a little. It reminded him of Sirius Black after he had escaped Azkaban.

"What have you been doing all of these years?" She sneered.


"Now now Bellatrix," Voldemort scolded, "I am surprised you are here so early Severus, since it is during a school week."

Many of the other Death Eaters laughed quickly. Severus looked at Voldemort, "I did not want to wait to see the ones who escaped."

"Hmm, such loyalty." Bellatrix purred. "I heard so much about you while I was there."

"Is that so?" Voldemort looked at her, "Nevermind that, we will get to that in a little while. First, let's celebrate your glorious return." A feast was brought out, meager compared to what was always had at Hogwarts, but a feast nonetheless.

After the Death Eaters, who wanted to eat, were done eating, Voldemort stood up and walked behind all of them. "I am so glad to see so many return, although I had wished it would have been sooner, say, at my return."

Severus watched as some of the members shrank back, trying to appear smaller so that they would be overlooked.

"However, you are here and now we can move forward. We are still looking for a way to get the prophecy so that I can best get rid of Harry Potter and continue with our plans of Pure-Blood dominance." Voldemort sauntered back to his chair.

Severus noticed that Bellatrix did not take her eyes off of him; a desire and hunger could be seen in them. You are still chasing after that idea.

"Bellatrix, you said you found someone who wants to join our ranks?" Voldemort laid his cheek on his fist, looking a little bored.

"Yes, my lord, I did. In face, Severus knows him too."

Severus, who had never taken his eyes off her, looked at the Dark Lord, who had turned his gaze unto him.

"Is that so?"

"Yes, my lord." Bellatrix purred. "Come on out." She giggled, waving a wand that opened a nearby door. Everyone turned to watch this new person walk into the room. Based on what Severus could see from the dim light hitting his face, it was a young man. "Come, stand next to me!" Bellatrix chirped.

The figure stood next to her, shoulders squared, but he had a nervous air.

"Closer." Bellatrix grabbed his arm, pulling him into the light.

"Hello Professor Snape." The young man grinned.

"Clearwater." Severus drawled. 

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