Chapter 135

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Amilia paced in front of the courtroom door. Severus had told her all that had transpired the day before, and she was frustrated. She feared they would drag this out, and Severus could not go with her to collect their daughter. Severus wondered if that were something that would happen as well.

Everything that was clouding her thoughts clouded his mind as well. No matter how often he shook his head, he could not clear the fog, and he needed a clear head as he faced the courtroom and its judgment.

"Sit, please."

"Severus," Amilia stopped pacing and stared at him, "I have been sitting for too long."

Severus was unsure what she meant, but he changed the subject, "Did you sleep last night?"

The bags under her eyes were worse than before.

The setting of her jaw gave him his answer. "Sit."

Amilia glanced around the room and plopped on the bench beside him. She bounced her foot in agitation.

"Why did you not sleep?"

"It was cold."

"You did not put on a fire?"

"I did."

"Oh." Severus looked down at his hands, realizing what she meant.

Amilia took his hand, "Soon, it will be better soon."

Severus gave her a weak smile, "Did you ever observe the Pensieve?"

"Uh...yes, not right away, though."

Severus nodded, "I wanted you to know that I loved you with everything."

"I know."

Severus looked at his hands; he wanted to tell her more, but he could not find the words. He wanted to tell her how afraid he was in those final moments, but he did not want to cause her to feel worse than she already was. Her thoughts were loud. She worried about what their future was going to hold. She worried that if she were not allowed in the courtrooms, she would never see him again, that the Aurors would whisk him away without a single goodbye.

Severus continued to stare at his hands, hers held one, and the other gripped his jacket cuff. He examined her hand, she wore her wedding ring, but it lacked its usual luster. He wondered if it was the dim lighting in the waiting area or if it was duller than the last time he had seen it. Her fingers had been filed, the rough edges from being chewed erased. She was trying to put on the appearance of her former self, the woman who was always put together and held her chin up high.

But Severus knew better; she was struggling to keep it together.

He laid his head on her shoulder, "What is the first thing you want to do when I am aquited?"

Amilia shifted to look him in the face, "Sleep."

"Hmmm, I second that."

He didn't need to look at her to know what she was thinking because it was the same thought he had if I got acquitted.

Slowly the doors in front of them opened, and they were called inside. Severus stood first, slipping his hand from his wife's. She waited for a few breaths before following behind him.

"We have examined all of the evidence between your memories, those of your wife, some other witnesses to your character, and the late Albus Dumbledore's, and the jury believes they have come to a verdict."

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