Chapter 54

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"You both are fine." Poppy washed her hands, "You were just given a good startle is all."

Amilia let out a sigh of relief as she climbed off the bed.

"I think the fireworks will be over for the day," Poppy added, "but you should go to your quarters just in case."

"I am more than happy to take a nap." Amilia grumbled.

"Severus will most likely wake you up."

Amilia tossed her head back and groaned, "Yes, and ask me if I am alright."

"Everyone has every reason to ask."

"I do not care. I just want to be left alone about it. I am feeling great."

Poppy sighed, "Let me know if anything changes."

Amilia waved her away and walked to her quarters.

Severus finished his work for the day and had some time to kill before dinner. He walked into his office and through the passage into Amilia's quarters. The fire was dead in her sitting room, but he could hear the soft crackling of one in her bedroom. He knocked gently before walking in. She lay on her bed, snuggled up next to a pillow with her mouth open and a puddle of drool.

Severus chuckled and tossed another log on the fire before sitting on the edge of the bed. He ran his fingers gently up her arm before stroking her cheek, "You need to wake up."

Amilia flinched a little under his touch but did not wake up.

Now, Severus had an evil thought that would undoubtedly wake her up, but he decided against it and instead tickled under her chin.

Amilia groaned and swatted at his hand, "Leave me be."

"It is almost dinner time."

"I do not care."

Severus sighed. "What did Poppy say?"

Amilia groaned again and tossed a pillow at him before rolling onto her back, "Everything is fine."

Severus pressed his lips thin; he was happy to hear that but still concerned. Amilia, of course, saw this and scowled at him.

"Stop that."

"I am trying to not constantly pester you."

"Ugh," Amilia picked up the other pillow and covered her face.

He sighed again but rose from the bed, "You should get ready for dinner."

"I only need to put my shoes on."

"I may be called for a meeting soon. I have not been called in some time."

Amilia sat up, "What?!"

Severus clasped his hands behind his back. "It is reasonable to think that. It has been some time."

Amilia grumbled under her breath, and Severus paced. He only wants to spend time with her, but this nagging feeling is in the back of his head for her health, the health of their child, and their safety.

"I would hope that if he does a meeting, it is before the coming holiday. A lot of the children are going home."

Severus stopped pacing, "I doubt he would consider that but you have a good point."

"Did Umbridge talk to Potter? I overheard Draco bragging about capturing him."

"I believe so, she has been asking me for the Veritaserum."

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