Chapter 52

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Amilia sat back, listening as students asked questions, horrified when one asked if Hagrid bred the colony.

"Lie on your backs." The centaur ordered. Amilia begrudgingly slid off of the stump to the ground, trying not to groan in protest. "I know that you have learned the planets and the stars, even the constilations, however, I am going to teach you the wisdom of the centaurs. It is impersonal and impartial."

Amilia stared up at the ceiling in amazement; if this was what he would see in the forest, then we surely had missed out on something extraordinary.

"That red star, over your head Mr. Potter, is Mars. This planet, as you all know, if the bringer of battle and war. We centaurs have known that for the past ten years, that this is brief calm between two wars for Wizards."

This caught Amilia's attention; she propped herself on her elbows to see the planet. You have no idea how right you all are.

Eventually, the bell outside rang, startling everyone. Amilia had stayed lying on the floor, observing the stars above her. A nearby student offered her his hand, and she gladly took it, resting her hand on her belly after getting to her feet. "Congratulations professor."

"Oh, um, thank you."

The boy nodded and walked away. Amilia shuffled out of the room, ready to eat something after lying on the floor for some time. Harry and Ron had stayed behind, and the door shut quickly behind her. Though curious, she was too preoccupied with the desire for something sour to care. 

The month of March steadily marched on. Amilia was growing larger, students could no longer deny that she was pregnant, and neither could she nor Severus. It appeared that Slytherin House had known for some time, putting two and two together regarding her symptoms, and had kept it quiet for the longest time.

Draco sat at the piano, playing a soft lullaby one night in late March as Amilia read a book beside the fire. "Do you have any names picked out?" He asked.

"I have an idea."

"You know, the House of Black, names their children after the heavens."

"Is that so?" Amilia closed her book. "How does that work for your mother though, her name is not a star nor is it a constilation."

Draco stopped playing and looked at her, "You have a good point. I will have to ask." He crossed his arms over his chest, "I have always liked the name Scorpius." He paused, "Do not take it."

"I would not dream of it." Amilia chuckled.

"Vega is nice, I suppose if you are having a girl. Ursa is pretty sounding too."

Amilia laughed, "Ursa? Should I call the child little bear too while I am at it."

Draco scowled at her, "I was just offering some ideas."

Amilia sighed, "Of course. I did not mean to offend you love."

Draco shook his head. "How has the father taken the news?" He picked his words carefully.

Amilia motioned for Draco to come over to her, "He fainted when he learned the news. It was a shock to me too."

"Oddly enough, I can see that." Draco smirked as he sat next to her.

Amilia laid her head on his shoulder; she knew most students had retired to bed or were too absorbed in their world to notice or care. "I remember a time where I would be the one to play lullabies for you. You were so small. I was terrified to hold you...when I was ordered to."

"Mother told me."

Amilia sighed, "Good, that saves me the trouble."

"How are you feeling?"

She lifted her head off his shoulder, "Why does everyone keep asking me that?"

Draco gave her a pointed look, "For those of us who know your past, are concerned."

"Your mother told you that too?


Amilia grumbled under her breath. "So everyone thinks that something is going to happen soon?"

"More of a concern, things happen." Draco shrugged.

Amilia grabbed his hand and placed it on her belly, "That does not feel like something is going to happen. Not one bit." She said sourly.

Draco stiffened but did not move his hand. Amilia could see in his eyes that he was curious and wondered if he had felt something but was unsure. "I have not talked it over with him yet," Amilia said, "but I want you to be the Godfather."

Draco tried to hide his smile, "I think that would be a wise choice."

Amilia let go of his hand, "Do not sound so thrilled." She shoved him playfully, "Off to bed with you. I know you have a lot of work to do as a member of the Inquisitor's Squad." She watched him stroll towards the dormitories before she rose from the sofa to bed herself. A slow and steady worry began to gnaw at her heart.

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