Chapter 71

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Severus sat in the chair, holding his little girl. She had woken up recently, and he finally got to see her dark eyes, just like your mother. She wasn't fussing; she just opened her eyes for a few minutes. Poppy showed him how to change her nappy, which was nerve-wracking. She was so small in his hands, and he was terrified of dropping her or hurting her. Poppy reassured him that he was doing a good job and that she would not be this small for long.

Severus shifted his weight and grinned as Jordan yawned. He tore his eyes away from her to look at Amilia, who was sleeping on the bed; he hoped peacefully. It had been a couple of hours since he returned to the castle, but the storm was finally subsiding, and Severus could hear the song of morning birds.

"She is resting, this can wait, don't you think?"

Severus scowled; who are you talking to, Poppy?

"I am afraid so."

A knock on the door and Severus said to enter. Poppy peaked her head in, "I hate to wake her."

"Then don't." Severus grumbled.

Poppy gave him a sympathetic look and nudged Amilia several times, who jerked awake and looked around like a madwoman. "You have to wake up for a few minutes. I am sorry."

Amilia groaned, "Why?"

In swooped a man dressed in official Ministry garb, "You have paperwork to sign."

"This could have waited till later in the morning." Severus snapped.

"The sooner it is filed, the better." The man fixed his waistcoat and set a suitcase on the foot of the bed.

Amilia scrambled to get up, pulling the covers up to her shoulders.

"Perhaps, you can step out and let her get dressed in something she is more comfortable in to receive visitors." Poppy said curtly, her foot tapping against the floor.

The man looked up and eyed Amilia, "Hurry up." He turned on his heel and closed the door behind him.

"What is this about?" Severus said, standing carefully.

"Give me the baby," Poppy said calmly, taking Jordan from his arms. "Help her get dressed.

Amilia had already climbed out of bed, her tired eyes darting all over the place, looking for something. Severus took her hands in his, "What do you need?"

"Just...a shirt, I think."

"Put on a skirt." Poppy said, bouncing the baby, protesting the sudden intrusion.

Severus held out the skirt, and Amilia gingerly lifted each foot, stepping into the garment. She carefully buttoned a shirt over her tank top, climbed back onto the bed, and covered her legs with a blanket. "He can come in," she grumbled.

The Ministry Official waltzed back in and straight to the bed. "Congratulations, let's get to the paperwork."

"What paperwork?" Severus asked, his eyes narrowed at the man.

"The birth certificate, the blood status, your marriage." The man looked at both of them.

"What?" Amilia looked at Poppy for answers as she gripped Severus's hand.

"New Ministry policy, all marriages must be recorded within a month of the ceremony. Arranged or secret marriages until of age or preparedness are no longer acceptable or valid." The man pulled out a quill and a small needle.

"No longer valid?"

Dumbledore walked in, angry, "The Minister has decided that the best course of action to protect all members of Magical society is to have near immediate records."

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