Chapter 21

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Amilia walked into the courtyard and sighed. Her hand felt weird now that a ring was on it. She shook her head to dispel any dark thoughts that started to form, those nasty little doubts and memories about the last go around.

"Ahem. You did not have Hogsmead chaperoning this week."

Amilia glared at Umbridge, who was wearing an over-fluffed punk sweater just inside the doorway.

"I was speaking to you."

"That was me ignoring you. I do not have to be a chaperone to go to Hogsmead."

"Yes, however, all trips away from the school must be approved."

"It was approved." Amilia snapped, "by Albus Dumbledore, the Headmaster."

"Well, I still need to approve such trips since I am the High Inquisitor appointed by the Ministry of Magic."

"Shove it up your ass you dust old bat!" Amilia growled, and she stomped past the woman. The look on Umbridge's face should have been enough to make her happy for the rest of the day, but she had this sense of doom following her instead.

Severus glared down at the pitiful sight before him. His fist was bloodied, just like Peter's face, who now was shielding it with his arms. "The Dark Lord needs to know everything that happens in his subjects' lives. We would not want to find out that there is a spy in our midst."

Severus pulled his arm back, ready to punch the man again; it felt good to deal damage to someone with his fists; it had been decades since he had done so, and Peter was the perfect person to do it to because Severus knew that the Dark Lord did not care so long as it did not interfere with what he needed Peter to do. "I am not a spy against the Dark Lord."

"No, no of course not!" Peter whimpered, "I am only following what the Dark Lord has ordered!"

Severus put all his effort into this last punch as his fist connected with Peter's ribs. The man on the ground cried out in pain. "What did you tell him?"

"Everything that I know."

Severus stood up straight and stomped into the kitchen, turning on the sink and scrubbing the blood off his hand. Now, what do I do? Come on, Severus, think! You have now put her in the Dark Lord's sights!

After cleaning his hands, Severus returned to the small sitting room. Peter sat on the floor with a towel on his cheek, "What is so important that you think you can keep secrets from the Dark Lord?"

Severus sneered at him, "I have no secrets from the Dark Lord. However, my time is mine. If the Dark Lord were to have asked me of his own accord, I would not be so irate, but since you took it upon yourself to stick your nose where it does not belong," he rolled his shoulders, "I had to teach you a lesson."

Peter stood up and blocked the way to the fireplace, "The Dark Lord will teach you a lesson you will never forget! The Dark Lord will see that you are doing something behind his back!"

"I am doing no such thing you little worm. Now, out of my way. I have to return to Hogwarts."

Peter shrank back, but eyes sight lingered on the now-empty fireplace.

"Good evening, Severus. I do hope you had a good day." Severus stepped into his office; Umbridge was waiting for him.

"Yes. Why?" Severus strolled over to his desk and pulled out two glasses, "Would you care for a drink?"

"No, thank you." Umbridge sat down in the chair that Amilia would always use to have tea in his office. Severus did his best not to glare at the woman. "I noticed that you and Professor Hubbard both were missing today."

"I was not aware that Miss Hubbard was away from the castle today." Severus said as he disappeared into his bedroom, returning with a full glass of firewhiskey.

"Yes, well it is rather suspicious after how you both were gone today."

"I beg to differ. I often go home to make sure that everything is order for the holidays. However, today is Miss Hubbards birthday. It is safe to assume that she would want to get away today."

Umbridge sneered at him, "How do you know that it is her birthday today?"

"We are friends."

"But she did not stay here to celebrate it with you?"

Severus turned his back to the woman to avoid her seeing his annoyance, "No. I do not keep tabs on my coworkers. Why are you asking such questions?"

"Well, she looked rather frazzled and both yours and her request for leave were sent in on the same day. I could not see the signature so I do not know if it was a coincidence or not. However, neither of you sought my approval for your leave of absences."

Severus glared over his shoulder, "I was not aware I need your permission. Dumbledore approved it, he is my boss."

"I have been appointed by the Minister of Magic."

"Not my concern. I went through the proper channels and I sure that Amilia did as well." Severus finished his drink and set the glass down. "Leave my office."

Umbridge huffed and stood up, leaving tiny pink fibers on the chair from her sweater. "Changes are coming. If I were you, I would get on the good side of the Ministry."

Severus walked into Amilia's sitting room; she was curled up on the couch, her crochet needle pulling yarn through loops quickly. "Did Umbridge meet you in your office too?" He asked.

Amilia shook her head, "Practically cornered me when I walked into the caslte. I was not polite to her."

Severus sighed and sat beside her, "She sat in your chair. What do you want me to do with it?"

Amilia lifted her eyes from her project, "Burn it."


Something in her eyes flashed, "Yes."

"Does this mean I need to request new furniture?"

Amilia scoffed and dropped her eyes back to the project in her hands, "Did she give you the riot act for not asking her permission?"


"I hate that woman."

"So do I." Severus took the yarn from her and laid his head in her lap. Amilia ran her fingers through his hair absentmindedly. He closed his eyes and relaxed, his heart full, but his mind wandered. "I need you to know that Pettigrew told the Dark Lord."

She briefly stopped playing with his hair, "I assumed as much."

"I am going to do everything that I can to keep you from having to go back."

"I know." Amilia whispered. Severus could tell she was trying not to show that she was afraid, but he could feel the tension in her body.

Severus grabbed her left hand and brought it to his lips, "I will protect you."

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