Chapter 29

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Severus returned to the cottage as the sun peaked through the forest canopy. Amilia was sleeping peacefully, and the little cottage was almost too serene. Severus undressed and crawled into the bed; thoughts of the meeting filled his mind as he tried to sleep. He had not been asked about her; if the Dark Lord even cared, he did not show it. He never did. However, this bothered Severus; he knew that the Dark Lord knew that he had a least brought a woman to his home. That much was true, but whether or not it would come back on his was a different story, and the waiting was eating at him. How can I protect you if I do not know what to expect?

The clock struck noon when Severus finally emerged from the bedroom. Amilia was sitting by the fireplace, staring out the window, watching fresh snowfall with a ball of yarn in her hands. "Good afternoon."

"There is food in the oven." she said without looking away from the beautiful sight before her.

Severus ambled into the kitchen and pulled the chicken from the oven, it was still warm, and the smell made him feel as if he were back in the castle. He shoved a small piece in his mouth before plating it.

He sat on the sofa in the living room, "What are you working on?"

"Nothing yet but possibly a blanket for the baby."

"What if the color is not right?"

Amilia looked away from the window, "I am a witch."

Severus set his fork down, "Oh, right."

"How did it go last night?"

"He did not ask about you if that is what you are wondering."

A look of relief flooded her face, "That is good."

Severus did not answer, uneasy about the topic because he knew the Dark Lord knew, but now he wondered if he was on the losing end of the waiting game.

Amilia got up and sat next to him, "We will be fine." She laid her head on his shoulder, "I know you will need to go back to your house soon, so let's not fret about anything today."

"I like that idea."

Severus had returned to his home the night before; Peter was running about, cleaning what he had failed to do while Severus was gone. On the other hand, Severus put his feet up and read a book from his shelf that he had read a million times before. "Do not break another dish."

He could hear Peter mocking him in the kitchen but ignored it. Severus turned another page and just stared at the words on the page; I wonder if I could charm a book about child-rearing as a potion book that I could read at Hogwarts. Would that work? Severus shook his head; Amilia said he would be fine, and she would be right there with him every step of the way, but he still felt that nagging feeling in the back of his mind.

"Severus, I am going to go to bed." Peter stood near the fireplace.

"Why are you telling me?"

"You seemed lost in thought." Peter crossed his arms over his chest, "I am surprised the Dark Lord did not question you."

"The Dark Lord has more important matters to attend to than the flings his Death Eaters are having."

"You were obsessed with Lily Potter, what is to say that this is not going to be another one of those. Your mind wandering."

"My mind never wandered, Peter, go to bed if that is what you want to do but do not bother me anymore." Severus looked back at the page in the book and waited until the rat had left before setting it down. This is exhausting.

A few days passed, and Amilia had finally made her way to the castle. Minerva met her in her office, "So, how has your holiday break been so far?"

Amilia set down her teacup and looked the old woman in the face, "I am pregnant."

The look that spread across Minerva's face was one that Amilia could not describe. The teacup in Minerva's hands crashed to the floor and shattered.

"Minerva?" Amilia leaned forward.

"Amilia, that is not something to joke about." Minerva said after some painful silence.

"I am not joking."

"What are you going to do when it gets out around the school!? What about Severus!? He and you are at a much higher risk now!"

"This was not planned." Amilia glowered, "We have been talking about what to do but it is all talk until something happens. I thought you would be supportive."

Minerva sighed, "I am and will be. This is just... a great shock. Have you told Dumbledore?"

"No. I wanted to tell you first."

"Well, now that you have, go to him." Minerva stood up, "I need a drink."

"Have second on me." Amilia chuckled as she rose from her chair.

Amilia stood in front of the gargoyle as the staircase appeared. She carefully walked up the stairs and saw an incredible sight, Fawks in his splendor. He sat on his perch and preened his feathers.

"He has been fully grown for about four days now."

Amilia watched the great wizard sit at his desk, "He is beautiful, as always."

"What brings you to my office?" Dumbledore motioned for her to sit.

"I have something to tell you, it is a little strange and a great problem for the efforts that you and Severus have been doing."

"What ever do you mean?"

Amilia sighed, "I am pregnant."

"Congratulations. How did Severus take the news?"

"He fainted, though I doubt he would admit to it."

Dumbledore chuckled, "You are correct about that. I assume Poppy is going to be helping you through this and that the child will arrive in the summer?"

Amilia nodded.

"That is certainly manageable, however, if there are complications, I will not allow you to work or chaperone depending on what is happening."

"I understand."

"Good." Dumbledore pulled out a scroll and wrote several things down. "Is there anything else?"

"Yes, actually." She took a piece of parchment from her pocket and handed it to the wizard. He read it and raised a single eyebrow at her.

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