Chapter 103

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Severus sat in a spare room at Malfoy Manor; he stared out the window into the night. Fight back, you coward! Severus could still smell Hagrid's burning hut. He closed his eyes and could see the intense rage and desire for revenge on Harry's face. The boy had failed to learn anything from him, he still spoke his spells, making them easier to block, and he never once closed off his mind making everything so downright infuriating! You dare use my spells against me!? Severus could still feel the curl in his lip as he leaned over the boy.

He scoffed; I am the Half-Blood Prince. The realization fell upon the boy, his thoughts screaming about how he should have known and what monster would create spells like that. "I am a monster." He opened his eyes as lightning flashed across the sky; I sent my only child away and left my wife at the castle. I am a monster, and I will always be one.

Someone knocked on the door, and Severus flicked his wand, opening the door. The carpet in the room quieted the footsteps, "The Dark Lord wants to see you." He sighed and stood up; Narcissa stood by the end of the bed.

"I suppose my wife will be thrilled to know that I have not died this night."

Narcissa scowled, "You told her about the promise you made me?"

"I told her I made the Ubreakable Vow to protect Draco and I did."

"Where is she?" Narcissa asked.

"At Hogwarts."

"She didn't come with you?"

Severus shook his head, his face a dead expression. "I hope she did as I told her to do."

Narcissa looked at her hands, "Thank you, for protecting my son."

"I will always protect him. I have all year."

"And I thank you for that. The Dark Lord is over the moon right now, perhaps he will bless all of us and forgive any future transgressions."

"That would be a great blessing." Severus could hear thoughts of other Death Eaters as they roamed the halls.

"Where is Jordan?" Narcissa asked softly, her eyes glued to the floor.

"I sent her away."

Her eyes snapped up to look at him, stunned into silence.

"This stays between us."

"How is Amilia handling it?"

Severus looked at the bed next to him, "All I ever do is hurt her."

"Now, Severus, I doubt that very much."

He scoffed, "We should not keep the Dark Lord waiting." He pulled on the bottom of his jacket and strolled past Narcissa. Ending the conversation.

"Severus! I am so pleased to see you." Voldemort stood in front of the grand fireplace beaming at him. Severus returned his smile with a nod and glanced around the room. Draco sat at the piano, but the lid was closed, and he looked like he was barely holding it together. Lucius stood by the nearby window and kept his hand on his cane, a tight grip that showed Severus he was nervous.

"I am overjoyed to hear that you are pleased, my lord."

Voldemort clapped, "The whole plan was flawless. Dumbledore is dead. Hogwarts is no longer viewed as safe. I will have his wand." Then Voldemort's smile faded, "Where is Dumbledore's wand?"

Severus furrowed his brows, "Did the Death Eaters with us at the Astronomy Tower not retrieve it?"

"No, no one did! Why else would I be asking?" Voldemort snapped.

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