Chapter 25

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Severus entered the cottage, it was chilly, but he could hear the soft crackling of a fire in her room. He set his bag down in the hallway, quietly took his boots off, and hung his cloak on the hooks nearby. Quietly he opened the door to the little bedroom and tiptoed in. Amilia was sleeping soundly, a pillow clutched in her arms. Edgar grumbled at him, his black head peeking off of the perch. Severus knelt at the side of the bed, gently pushing the hair out of Amilia's face, "It is time to get up."

Amilia swatted away his hand, "Five more minutes."

Severus chuckled, "No, you have to get up. I walked all this way in the bitter cold." He feigned, pouting.

Amilia opened a single eye, "You have a lot of work to do for that to continue working in a few months."

Severus grinned, "I had better get started then." He got up and wandered into the kitchen, searching the cabinets.

Amilia rolled out of bed, went to the bathroom, and washed her face. It seems as if last night never happened. She looked down at her belly; nothing had changed since the night before. No stirring, no visible growth, nothing would cause people to question if she was just fat or pregnant. That will change soon, though. She sighed, dressed, and wandered into the hall. "There isn't any food right now."

"I can see that." Severus shouted from the kitchen.

A gentle knock from the door made them both look at each other. Severus shook his head, whispering, "Do not answer it."

Amilia rolled her eyes and turned the doorknob; a sprightly old wizard with his broom in his hand beamed at her. "I have your food delivery."

"Oh, thank you. Is it eight in the morning already?"

"Actually, it is nine o'clock. I had some difficult weather on my way here." The old man pulled out a scroll and a small box, "Everything is there, but do double-check it."

"Thank you," Amilia took them in her hand, but before she closed the door, she handed him a couple of coins, "Would you like some tea for your journey?"

The wizard waved at her, "No, thank you. I have some more deliveries to make."

Amilia nodded and closed the door, looking at the box that fits in the palm of her hand as she walked to the kitchen. Severus took the items from her, "I will put these away and make you some breakfast."

"Ehh...I am not that hungry right now."

Severus's eyes traveled down her body and lingered on her belly, "You should eat though."

Amilia rolled her eyes, "I will, I am just not hungry right now."

"Fine, then I will make myself some breakfast."

Amilia enlarged the box and started sifting through the contents, she knew there would be some tea in there, and at that moment, tea is what she wanted. Her fingers found the square tin, and she hummed happily as she reached for the teapot.

"What are you making?"


She lit the flame under the teapot and grabbed a cup, "Do you want one?"

"Uhh," Severus paused as they could hear the fireplace activate; he sighed, "Make however many cups."

Amilia grabbed four other cups and set them aside before entering the living room. Marcus held onto the back of a chair, steadying himself, his eyes open wide and his skin tinged with a bit of green. Kylie rolled her eyes, "You would think he would have gotten used to it by now."

Amilia shrugged, "I am making tea."

"Oh wonderful." Kylie pulled a couple of small bags out of her pocket and pointed her wand at them. "The boys had some gifts for you."

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