Chapter 65

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Amilia and Severus stood stunned at the doors of the Great Hall to see Albus Dumbledore in his seat. Umbridge was nowhere to be found. "So she is gone?"

"I believe so."

Amilia looked at Severus's hand and grasped it tightly, "I an hungry."

"The Ministry still does not know." Severus whispered.

Amilia shrugged, "The students do though." She tugged on him slightly so that he would walk with her.

As they ate, the Daily Prophet was delivered. Amilia poured over it while swinging her coffee mug in the air. "The Dark Lord certainly knows how to make an entrance doesn't he." She said, not asking a question.

"Are you admiring his return?" A professor who Amilia hardly ever saw asked as they set down the paper.

"Only that he has a flair for the dramatic." Amilia said darkly.

"One cannot be sure these days, with His return."

"I would rather die then be a follower." Amilia scowled.

The professor pursed her lips and looked away.

Severus shook his head, "Things are going to be vastly different from today on."

"Yes it will."

"Malfoy has gone to Azkaban." Severus said quietly, nodding his head at the Slytherin table.

Amilia looked at the table; Draco was sending dangerous glares across the hall at the Gryffindor table. Amilia followed his gaze, only to see that Harry and his friends were not seated at the table.

"We should keep an eye on him. Draco does not need to start a fight right now. He is not in the right state of mind." Amilia whispered to Severus.

He looked at her with indifference. "I will not go out of my way to interfere if it happens on castle grounds."

Amilia raised her eyebrow, "If you want to have him in detention for the start of the new term and to have the rest of his family come down on him you will. I can Garentee that Bellatrix and the Dark Lord will be visiting Narcissa."

She could see the thoughts and possibilities cross through his eyes. "You are right."

"If he were to hurt Harry because of Lucius going to Azkaban, I do not think the Dark Lord will hesitate to hurt him in any way."

Severus sighed, "I cannot shirk my duties, but I see anything I will stop it."

"Good." Amilia said smugly.

Severus rolled his eyes, "There is a chance that I may be summoned tonight." He said as he brought his face closer to her shoulder.

Amilia felt her heart sink, "I know." And indeed she did; she knew the Dark Lord would summon him as soon as possible. He would want to know what would happen at Hogwarts, Dumbledore's plans, and give his orders. Amilia squirmed in her chair, unsure what the demands would be and how they would affect them in the coming weeks.

Poppy tapped them on the shoulder, "Would you like me to walk you back, love?"

Amilia shook her head, "I actually want to go on a walk outside since the weather is nice."

"I have work I need to do." Severus said blandly.

"We can walk, that is not a problem."

Amilia looked at the witch, "What about the students in your care?"

Poppy sucked her teeth for a moment, "I will be sending them on their way soon. I can come by your classroom later this morning."

Amilia sighed and nodded, returning to her meal.

Amilia later sat in her classroom in front of the fireplace. It was lit, of course, out of habit, not that it was needed. It was comforting. The fire's heat reminded her of the sun shining brightly out the window.

She looked towards the wall of windows; it all looked the same outside, she was sure it smelled the same, and it certainly sounded the same. However, she knew that it was entirely different. The world was different, as was her life. The Dark Lord's return was now known throughout the Wizarding World. Amilia's friends had already contacted her. Aaron and Anthony had decided to start a wood farm for wands, something out of the way and hopefully not on any radar that the Death Eaters would have. Alice would continue her work for Dumbledore and the Ministry, now serving as an informant for both. However, Kylie felt her parents' pull as they descended upon her home. Their need to keep her safe began crowding her thoughts as she desired to keep her family safe.

I don't know what I am going to do, Ami! Do I pull all of our records and go in hiding? Do I stay and try to get as many copies hidden so we do not suffer the same losses as in the First War?

These thoughts crowded Amilia's own. She would have to register her child; the baby would carry Severus's name as he refused to not be on the birth certificate. Their marriage would also have to register, their secret now out in the eye of the Ministry and most likely in the view of anyone wanting to stay on the Dark Lord's good side.

Knock, knock!

Amilia jumped a little, turning her head to the door. Poppy stood there, her hands neatly folded in front of her apron, "I cannot release them yet, no one has collected Delores."

"Umbridge? Why is she in your care?" Amilia huffed as she rose from the chair.

"You did not hear?"

Amilia pulled the hem of her shirt down over her belly while she shook her head.

"It appears that when she and Potter and Miss Granger went into the forest, she was taken away by the herd of centaurs."

Amilia's eyebrows shot up, "That poor woman."

"Oh? Now you have some sympathy for her?"

"She is responsible for some of the issues they face." Amilia glanced out the window, "There are also rumors about what centaurs do to woman. Though I would hope that this herd would not do that, since they are so close to a school full of children."

"Well come on, let's get you out in the fresh air." Poppy said quickly, changing the subject.


Amilia and Poppy walked down the path toward the lake. The giant squid waved his tentacles above the surface and brought them crashing down, causing a wave to rush toward the shore. First-years squealed and ran out of the way while older students laughed and pointed.

"Not long now and your little one will be the only student here." Poppy said, starting a conversation.

Amilia rubbed her belly, feeling the baby roll around within, "I suppose. I would still like to get the cottage ready before it comes."

"The cottage? I thought Severus had discussed it with you."

Amilia turned a sharp eye to the witch, "Discussed what?"

Poppy surveyed the area before she spoke, "With that prisoner on the loose still, he was thinking it was best that you and the baby stay at Hogwarts until he is brought in."

Amilia scowled, "No, he has not said a word."

"Well," Poppy scoffed, "there has been a lot that has happened within the time you have returned." She rubbed her shoulder, "Perhaps he will chat with you about it tonight."

"Chat about what?"

Amilia shuddered at the growly voice over her shoulder, "About the fact that you think we should stay at the castle."

"I see."

Amilia turned to face him, "Perhaps we can chat about that on the way back? Hm?"

"I think that would be wise," Severus glanced over her shoulder at Poppy, "thank you for accompanying her. I can take it from here."

"Right, well, I am sure Delores is ready for my return." The school matron lifted her skirts enough to walk over the battered and broken stone pathway easily.

Severus held out his arm to his wife, which Amilia gladly took, and they walked at a leisurely pace back to the courtyard.

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