Chapter 26

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Amilia had returned to the castle for Christmas Feast; it was unnecessary, but she did not feel like cooking and wanted the company. There was a single student table, and not a single Slytherin was there. Of course, Umbridge was on her high horse, prattling on about some gift she got from the Ministry.

Amilia and Severus held hands under the table, his thumb rubbing the back of her hand until she got up to play for the choir. Her fingers glided over the piano, and it helped her think more clearly. I am having a baby. We are having a baby. I need to see my parents. Would Severus want to see his too? Probably not; I do not blame Severus for not wanting to see them. Applause drew her out of her thoughts. She stood and took a slight bow before returning to her seat.

"You look lost in thought." Minerva leaned towards her.

"I am."

"Care to share?"

"Not exactly." Amilia cast a slight glance at Severus and then at Dumbledore.

Minerva just shook her head with a slight grin before looking at her plate. Amilia looked down as well; I wonder.

After the feast, Severus and Amilia stayed behind, enjoying the decorations and conversations. Poppy came over to them, "You look much better today."

"I feel better."


They stayed there, chatting about the weather and their plans for the holiday break. Umbridge lingered around the small groups, inserting herself into conversations, she made her way to them, and Amilia had the strong urge to walk away but knew that would be in bad taste and make her a target when classes resumed.

"I heard that you were rather sick yesterday." Umbridge said, looking at Amilia.

"I was."

"Yet you are here?"

Amilia smiled at Poppy, "Madam Pomfrey is a wonderful healer."

"I am sure. What were you ill with?"

"That in an inappropriate question." Poppy snapped.

Umbridge looked annoyed but didn't press the issue. "Severus, I believe you are going home as well since all of your students are gone."


"What are your plans for break?"

"Sleep and read." Severus drawled, turning away from the woman.

"I see. Well I must get going. There is a party at the Ministry I must attend." Umbridge stomped away, frustrated she did not hear what she wanted.

"I am ready to go to bed." Amilia grumbled.

"Would you like me to walk with you?" Severus asked.

"That would actually be wonderful." Amilia beamed at him as Minerva and Dumbledore walked over.

"There will be a meeting sometime over this holiday break." Dumbledore's soft voice was barely over a whisper.

Both Severus and Amilia nodded quickly before leaving the Great Hall.

They tiptoed to Amilia's classroom and gathered their cloaks. Severus tightened the strings on her hood and jingled the bells. She shook her head with a small smile and pointed at the door. "We should get going before it gets too late."

Severus held the door open for her and locked it. Umbridge came out from behind an arch at the courtyard entrance, "where are you two going together?"

Amilia scowled at her, "I am going to my winter residence."

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