Chapter 72

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Later that night, Amilia, Severus, and little Jordan returned to their rooms. Amilia walked slowly and carefully, determined not to be carried but also not wanting to cause any more discomfort than she was already in.

Severus carried the baby; he took her to her crib and gently laid her down. Jordan whimpered but quickly settled in; I wonder how often that will work.

He returned to the sitting room to find Amilia on the couch, her head resting and eyes closed. "Can I get you anything?"


Severus sat in the chair, giving her some space, "Are you sure you are not mad at me?"

Amilia opened a single eye at him, "Why on Earth would I be mad with you?"

Severus looked down at his hands, "I missed her birth and you had to do it alone."

Amilia let out a small laugh, "I was not alone. Poppy would not leave my side, even though Healer Pearson told her she could and Minerva was there as well."

Hearing this made Severus feel slightly better, but he still hated this horrid feeling in his heart. He looked up when he heard the couch springs shift; Amilia was leaning forward, staring at him. "You could not get away, do not blame yourself. If you had left, it would have raised suspicion." She rubbed her face, "As it is, they will soon learn the truth and you will probably get in trouble."

Severus sighed; she was right. That was a worry that had followed him since that morning, "I will deal with that as the time comes."

Amilia sat back, "Yeah, I suppose. I have yet to let Kylie and the others know, I will probably wait a day or two."

"You could tell them now and then let them know not to visit for a few days."

Amilia nodded sleepily, "Not today though."

"Are you hungry?"


"I will be right back."

Severus returned with a tray of food; some sliced ham, fresh bread, fruit, carrots, and a bottle of wine. He set it on the small table and turned to call for Amilia when he heard soft snoring. He chuckled to himself and covered the tray. "Amilia, love, do you want to go to bed?"

Amilia startled softly, "Huh? Oh," she looked around, "no, I want to eat before she wakes up." She hoisted herself off the couch and slowly walked over to the table. Severus pulled the chair out for her. "What did you bring?"

Severus lifted the lid and sat down.

"Wine? Severus honey I cannot drink that."

"Not even a little bit?" He frowned.

Amilia laughed, "I can drink it but since she is so little and I do not feel like expressing and tossing it out, I am not going to."


Amilia reached across the table and held his hand, "I appreciate the thought. Let's save it for when she starts solids."

Severus pressed his lips together, "Right, well, is everything else good to eat?"

Amilia beamed at him, "Perfect."

Severus rocked Jordan, staring out the window at the night sky. She had woken, screaming bloody murder for soiling her nappy, and then was hungry. Amilia had fed her, her head bobbing as she fought sleep. He had taken Jordan after she was finished and tucked Amilia in.

Was he tired too? Of course, but his wife was already doing so much, and it was not like he had any work to do. Besides, he rather liked these quiet moments with his daughter. "You know, I never thought I would be a dad." He said to her quietly. She scrunched her face up. "The first girl I loved, she married someone else. I did something rather stupid that ruined our friendship."

He stopped rocking to adjust his hold on her. Jordan made a sound in protest. "Sorry little one." Severus ran a finger along her little cheek, "When I met your mommy...I was in a terrible place. I said things and did things, I regret them everyday. Mommy left, rightfully so." Severus sighed, "She hated me." He started rocking again, "I thought she would hate me forever, but a couple years ago, she decided to give me another chance. I am so glad that she did because I feel like a good person when she is around."

Severus glanced over at the bed; Amilia snored away, her back to them. He smiled at the sight and buried his nose in the little girl's dark hair in his arms. "I am a good person when your mum is around." He said softly, "And I am so happy that you have decided to grace us with your presence."

Jordon yawned and peeked an eye at him for a moment. He held her up in the moonlight, "I love you, little one."

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