Chapter 38

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"What!?" Amilia stared at her husband in complete shock, as did everyone else at the table. He refused to look at her, only making complete eye contact with Eric. Amilia turned her shocked gaze to Eric; he sat there with his mouth open.

"I know you heard me." Severus drawled.

"Yeah, I did but I'm gonna need you to say that again."

"I want you to take Amilia to America."

"Why?" Eric asked, confused.

"She needs to get out of the country as soon as possible, I do not want that, finding her and it will be much easier to focus on my tasks if I know that she is safe."

"And you think that me, taking her back to the United States, will keep her safe?" Eric shook his head and looked at Amilia, "What did you get yourself into?"

"I told you, the person he is concerned about would not take no for an answer." Amilia grumbled as she glared at her husband, "What makes you think that I want to flee the country? I did that once already."

Severus ignored her again, staring down the American, "What is your answer?"

"I...uh." Eric stammered, looking at the others near him for help. Dumbledore stroked his beard, staying out of it. Moody was staring at the couple, his eye swirling around in its socket while he pondered the situation. Tonks and Remus looked appalled.

"You cannot be serious." Tonks said.

"I am." Severus snapped, taking Amilia's hand in his. Amilia jerked her hand away, staring intently. Severus paid her no mind; he continued to stare at Eric, "Follow me."

Eric reluctantly rose from his seat and followed Severus into a dark corner.

"I assume he did not discuss this with you," Remus asked.

Amilia watched the two men in the corner, talking in a hushed but hurried fashion, "No, he did not."

After that, everyone watched the men, waiting.

"Snipe, what the hell is going on!?"


Eric rolled his eyes, "Yeah, okay. What is going on?"

"We told you." Severus drawled as he fixed his cuff.

"Enough to keep me from asking questions." Eric grumbled, "But that isn't going to work, you need to tell me everything before I even entertain this idea."

Severus sneered at the man, "You already have."

Eric jerked his head back, "Uh,"

Severus took a step closer, his eyes boring into Eric's, "I know every little thought that passes through your head and the fact that you have come all this way without even responding to a letter first, further proves that you are still in love with her."

Eric shrank briefly before regaining his form; he puffed out his chest, "How did you win her back, hm?"

"That is none of your concern." Severus glanced over at the table, noticing that everyone was watching them, "Will you do it or not?"

"Not until you answer some questions."

Severus rolled his eyes, "Be quick."

"Who attacked her and why?"

"Did she not tell you?" Severus raised an eyebrow.

"She told me a lot of things, mostly about you. Do you know how long it took me to get her to let you go and how beat up she was about it?"

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