Chapter 7

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Severus held Amilia's hand while she told him about what had happened with her friends. "So...they do not hate me?"

"I think some of them do but I am happy with you and if they cannot get on board with that..."

Severus shook his head, "No, I do not want you to lose your friends because of me."

"Shut up." Amilia grumbled, but she knew he had a point. "What happened this weekend? Why did I get a letter that Greyback was in the area?"

Severus sighed, "The Dark Lord has begun recruiting other species to fight for him."

"Dumbledore told us about the giants, but wolves? How and why?"

Again Severus shook his head, "Even I do not fully understand. I have not seen a single Death Eater who looks upon the creatures favorably, they fear Greyback."

"Rightfully so." Amilia muttered, interrupting him.

Severus glared at her for a moment, "Greyback does not believe in the Dark Lords cause, he wants to inflict and infect as much as he can and this is the greatest opportunity for him to do so. He is just a weapon for the Dark Lord."

Amilia sat there, horrified; a weapon? Why would you use a crazed man who likes to hurt children as a weapon? It makes no sense.

"Exactly." Severus said he had been listening to her thoughts.

"So what is going to be done about it?"

"Nothing." Severus let go and stood up, "The Order cannot act upon everything that I inform them about or it will be too suspicious."

Amilia glared at him; she thought it was the stupidest thing ever not to act when children's lives were in danger. Were they going to have to patrol the forest when the school year was in session to protect them? What if Greyback managed to get onto the school grounds? What would they do if a child was attacked?

"Let's not worry about any of that right now." Severus took her hand and pulled her from the couch, "I would like to spend more time with you but I have to go back."

Amilia scolwed, "I just got home. Can you not make an exception?"

"No, love, I cannot." He kissed her forehead and headed for the door. Amilia followed him closely, "I will see you at the next meeting. Do you want me to come get you?"

Amilia shook her head, "I know where I am going."

Severus's face fell a little, and Amilia felt a pang of regret; coming to get her was something that he enjoyed, and she knew it helped him see that she was safe. "I am sorry." She said, "The school year is coming up fast and we have not announced it to anyone yet."

He scoffed, "I can promise you that Potter and his friends will tell everyone the moment they can."

"They do not know, however, if we keep arriving and leaving together, they will figure it out."

"That does not matter."

She crossed her arms over her chest, "Seriously? Do you think that those children would out us? Especially if they were asked where they saw us? That would reveal that the Order is back and that Sirius is in London and, most importantly, that you are actually a turn-coat."

Severus did not look her in the eye, she was right, and he knew it. "Fine, but I think we should at least leave at the same time."

"Unless I am not required or have to stay behind."

Severus pursed his lips, "Fine." He planted a quick kiss on her before briskly walking outside, the door swinging shut behind him.

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