Chapter 56

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Amilia and Severus had finally settled on a crib painted in grey. It would be held at Kylie's house until Amilia secured a cottage in Hogsmead for the summer. Yet, it kept eating at Amilia that she would not be able to raise the child with Severus in his home or, at the very least, at the castle.

And yet, everything still felt unsettling; everywhere Amilia looked, she felt like she was being watched and followed. She did not want to take the chance with her last trip into the Muggle world.

"We managed to go the whole day without being attacked, you are fine." Kylie said as she walked Amilia back to the castle grounds.

Amilia sighed, "I know that does not mean that I will not be on edge until he is caught."

"Caught?" Kylie scoffed, "Dead would be more like it."

Amilia nodded in agreement.

"Well, this is my stop." Kylie hugged her, "Do have a good weekend."

"You too, give the boys a hug for me?"

"Of course!"

Inside the castle, Severus met Amilia in her office.

"How did you manage to get out without getting caught?" She asked.

Severus leaned against the doorframe, his arms casually crossed over his chest, "I put a do not disturb sign on my office door and flew out the window."

"Flew?" Amilia arched an eyebrow.

Severus smirked, "Yes."

"Right out the window?"


Amilia rolled her eyes, "Fine, do not tell me your secrets."

Severus walked over, one hand on the back of Amilia's chair and the other on her desk, boxing her in. "Oh, but I am being truthful."

"Is that so?" Amilia looked up at him through her eyelashes.

"Of course, in fact you have experienced it."

"I doubt that."

Severus leaned closer; Amilia could smell the remnants of the Polyjuice Potion on his breath, "Perhaps I will have to show you again sometime."


"What do you want?" Severus straightened his back and glared at Umbridge.

"Well, first I am wondering why you are so close to Miss Amilia. Second, I was looking for you but your office had a sign and was locked, I could not unlock it." Umbridge stood in the doorway; her eyes squinted at the couple.

"Hubbard to you." Amilia snarled.

"I will call my professors by their first name if I choose. We are all one big happy family here."

Severus held his hands behind his back, gripping his fingers tightly. "Why were you looking for me?"

"You both have failed to answer my first question, Professor Snape."

"I was preparing for career advice on Monday." Severus said blandly, trying to hide his displeasure, "As for what you saw transpire between Professor Hubbard and I, that is a private conversation."

Umbridge trailed a finger up her wand, appearing to contemplate what was said. "You should not lock your doors, perhaps I will need you again."

"All staff members need their privacy, even if it is to work in silence." Amilia snapped.

"As Headmistress," Umbridge started.

"You should know that you cannot barge into offices, when locked, nor private quarters. While you are in charge of this school, you are responsible for the safety of all faculty and staff, including their privacy." Severus stepped forward, looming over the pink buffoon, "If you do not keep this in mind, neither will the students and we would not want that."

Umbridge turned red, "Well, you should still be available during your posted hours."

"It is officially Easter Holiday, my office hours are by appointment only." Severus waved her away.

"Fine." Umbridge stiffened her shoulders, "I wanted to inform you that I will be sitting in on all of your career advice meetings."

"That is not conducive to an honest and forthcoming meeting." Amilia sneered, clearly getting annoyed with the woman's presence.

"Oh, that should be no problem." Umbridge smiled, "You, Professor Hubbard, will not be needed. Any of your meetings, have been canceled and they will go to their Head of House, as they should have been doing anyway."

"That is absurd!" Amilia said, "For as long as I have been here, I have assisted with career advice!" Severus held out his hand as a warning.

"Your assistance is no longer required." Umbridge snipped, "I will also be conducting end of year reviews for all professors." She turned on her heel and strutted out of their line of sight.

Amilia paced back and forth in her sitting room; what did she mean by that? End-of-year reviews? I could be on the chopping block; though I am a competent instructor, she cannot put me on probation without reason. With Hagrid, he was gone for a good portion of the school year and has had previous incidents in his class. Sibyll has always been...eccentric but perhaps a little too easy on the students.

Severus sat down, watching her and listening to her thoughts.

"Get out of my head!"

"You are not talking, I want to be involved in the thoughts."

Amilia sighed and sat down, "I am screwed."

"No, you are not."

"Yes! I am! I cannot help myself when it comes to insulting her or using a crass tone with her." Amilia wailed as her shoulders began to shake. "What are we going to do if I get canned?"

"Well, that will make raising the baby easier."

Amilia scowled, "What?"

"You could just move into my quarters." Severus shrugged, "I am sure that Dumbledore will expand the room, or combine our rooms. We are married, you would have a place to here. We could also permanently move to Hogsmead. "

Amilia sat back and wiped away the tears dripping down her chin. "But...I will not be a teacher. My whole life I prepared for this..."

"Would a year off be that terrible?" Severus took her hand, "You would be able to spend time with the little one and still be taken care of, both of you...and you both would be safe here."

"I..." Amilia sighed and shook her head, "do not know."

"Think it over, it is an option whether or not you lose your position."

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