Chapter 57

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Easter break had ended; Amilia sat in her office, bored out of her mind. The potion for Remus was nearly finished, and this coming weekend she would be delivering this batch, Severus offered to do it since she was getting quickly winded walking from her office to the Great Hall, but Amilia declined the offer. She wanted to keep moving; the Muggle doctor they saw during the winter said it would help with labor and ease some of the pain she may feel near the end of the pregnancy.

Amilia sighed, stood, and stretched. She was supposed to be doing career advice but had nothing to do since Umbridge took that from her. Amilia sneered at the woman's name and the audacity that she had. Lost in thought, Amilia let her feet guide her through the castle as she kept wallowing in the hatred she had for Delores Umbridge.

"Watch out!"

Amilia was snapped out of her little pity party to witness a swamp emerge and bubble in the corridor. It crept closer to her shoes as she tried to back up, her heart pounding harder with each step as the thick mud deepened. "What the hell is this!?" She yelled as she slipped backward, landing hard on the stone, the sludge slowly coming to a stop before her.

"Our Portabale Swamp, we did not see you in enough time to not detonate it." Two pairs of hands helped Amilia to her feet.

"Fred and George, I ought to give you detention!"

The twins looked at each other anxiously as the crowd started to appear.

Amilia straightened her robes, glaring at them before quietly thanking them. "I do not know what you are doing this for but get it over quickly." She backup, leaning against the wall catching her breath, and hoping the pain she was feeling would start to go away.

Naturally, Umbridge was furious about the swamp in the corridor, she shrieked at Filch to do something about it, and he ran up the stairs behind her, no doubt going to her office. Amilia hung back by the wall, taking deep breaths as the pain began concentrating on her hips. I must have hit the ground hard. She watched the faces of the students and staff, making sure they were looking at the swamp instead of her.

Umbridge was yelling, the pure rage in her eyes was not unstartling, but the glee to Filch returning with whips in hand was. "This ought to teach you what happens to those who commit wrongdoings in my school."

"Your school?" Amilia muttered, eyeing the whips. No way in her right mind did she approve of the use of torturous discipline.

"Actually, we think we have learned all that Hogwarts can offer us. Right?"

"Right you are brother!"

The twins put their wands in the air, and a loud crash echoed from up the staircase; something fast whizzed past Potter, who looked both amused and startled. Amilia squinted at him; what are you doing up there?

The boys jumped, snatching brooms out of the air, and flew out a nearby window.

"So that was the sound." Amilia grumbled, rubbing her lower back. The pain ceased only to come back again with more intensity. Shit.

Amilia laid her head against the wall while Umbridge barked orders at the staff who had shown up. She kept taking a deep breath as she felt her lower back tighten and relax, each time getting stronger and stronger.

"Amilia get to work!" Umbridge barked.

"Shut up you walking bottle of Pepto." Amilia snapped back. The staff stopped and looked at Amilia.

"Excuse me!?"

Amilia sucked in a breath, ignoring the witch. Madam Hooch, who had a shovel in her hand, walked over, "What is the matter?"

"I..." Amilia breathed out, "need to go to Poppy. Now."

"No, you cannot. You need to get to work. The others who have career advice need to return to their offices, you on the other hand," sneered Umbridge, "have nothing else to do."

Amilia growled.

Madam Hooch hooked an arm under Amilia's, "I am taking her to the hospital wing. Get out of my way."

Umbridge was furious; she was spouting things about insubordination as they left the corridor.

Amilia and Madam Hooch entered the main corridor, except one student cleared the way. Draco stepped in the way, "What is wrong?"

"Move Malfoy."

"Pardon me Madam Hooch, but as a Prefect for House Slytherin, I think it is in my best interest to know what is wrong with out Co-head."

Amilia grabbed his collar, "Go find Severus. Now."

Draco pulled back, letting his collar slip through her fingers as he dashed for the dungeons.

Madam Hooch kicked open the double doors for the hospital wing. Poppy spun around, ready to yell, but dropped the vials when she spied Amilia. "What happened!?"

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